
Monday, March 23, 2015

So Many Group Gifts

Hiya everyone! Have you ever pondered how many groups there are, and how many generous designers give those groups special gifts? I know that for most of us, group slots are a tricky thing to many groups cost to join, and we are so painfully limited to those 42...but there are some I would never dream of giving up, free or not, and I do keep a couple of empty 'emergency' slots. I hope you do too, because now I'm going to show you some lovely group gifts!

If you've been around a while, you might recall Lestat Reuven as being a part of Lemania Indigo's periodic simwide hunts, and then Lestat changed her store name to Siss Boom, then it was closed/reopened several times...the good news is that it is back, across the way from Lemania Indigo's new store Lemonicity. If you join Siss Boom's free group, you too can receive this gorgeous dress with the marvelous hemline! Big fan of the color too, but you don't have to be a redhead to look beautiful in this dress :)

For another very pretty dress, I headed to JayGee and picked up several free group gifts. It is free to join, and there are several available gifts to pick up including this one, Anna, in both pink (shown) and red. These are such generous gifts, several are fat packs of dresses! Lots of goodies for group members in the areas with the group gifts, too, like lucky chairs and a midnight mania and a lucky cupcake and more.

The details on this one, so wonderful! From the color to the texture to the shoulder bows, this is just an amazing dress and even comes with an optional flexi over-skirt which is not shown in this photo. This is from Azul, but you'll have to join the free SLF&O group and wear their tag to get it. There is a joiner right there, so it's simple and soooo worth it.

Speaking of simple, this dress is elegant in its simplicity, and comes with a HUD to change among 4 textures in the same color family including a solid version of the base color. Another SLF&O gift, this is from Karla Boutique.

How adorable is this outfit? The glasses are a delightful touch :) This is one of many available group gifts from GAALL, and I just loved the details and the fun colors. The group is free to join also, no need to hesitate at all!

One last photo is actually a screenshot of the nail HUD I've been using for all these photos, the SLF&O group gift from Hello Dave. Now please bear in mind the Hello Dave group itself isn't free to join, but gives weekly gifts, so I'm a big fan of that group as well. But your SLF&O tag is the one you need to get these gorgeous nails for free:
They look incredible on the stiletto shaped nails for your Slink hands, but as you can see they certainly cute on the other settings. Really nice colors too!

Well it's time for the credits so you can go pick up your own bonanza of group gifts as well :) Oh before I do that, let me mention that even the hair I'm wearing is a LeLutka group gift I've blogged previously. Wishing everyone a beautiful day full of magic!!

Photo 1: -siss boom- Group Gift -sb-agenda $0L Group Gift, Group Free To Join
Photo 2: JayGee - Anna PINK Group Gift  $0L Group Free To Join
Photo 3: -AZUL- SLF&O GG 2015Mar  $0L SLF&O Group Free To Join
Photo 4: !!! Karla Boutique !!! Biby Multi Outfit - mesh BOX SLF&O Group Gift $0L Free To Join
Photo 5: GAALL* 1,2,3  Group Gift  $0L Group Free To Join
Nails: Hello Dave - Slink AvEnhance - SL F&O Gift  $0L Free To Join
Hair: [LeLutka]-SIENNA hair - IrishRed (group gift) $0L

Skin: .::WoW Skins::: Smeralda Tan GG MAY CL (group $350L to join)

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