
Monday, June 8, 2015

More Getting To Know Us

Hiya everyone! Tonght I have goodies from another participant in the Get To Know Us Hunt, AmAzInNg CrEaTiOnS. They have over 30 prizes to find, but I must admit to being very grateful that they put 3 or 4 in each toilet paper roll (yes, you read correctly, that is the hunt object heehee) so it isn't overwhelming. They are labeled which ones are male and which female, which is also useful :) The individual prizes inside aren't numbered, so I'm just indicating which prize set (1/2/3, 4/5/6, etc) they are a part of, and I've picked a random selection rather than showing every single solitary one.

This lovely dress is one of the ones in prize 1/2/3, and is simply called mesh dress. I'm a big fan of both the colors and the style of this one, it resembles either suede or brushed silk.

This one makes me giggle, I promise the only thing I slap is midnight mania boards though :) In case you can't quite read it, the dress says "What did the 5 fingers say to the face? SLAP!". They named it IceSkate dress which suits the style very well. It is from the 1/2/3 prize group.

Next we have one of the prizes in the 4/5/6 roll, this is called Jacket outfit and includes separate mesh jacket and skirt, and system layer shirt. It's got a terrific knit texture, and I like the collar that's part of the jacket.

Another fun gift from the 4/5/6 set is this mesh coat dress with the delicate ruffles in a soothing color scheme. As I listen to the rain outside, this looks like a pretty good idea for RL too!

Finally here is one of the gifts in the 7/8/9 roll, just called shorts and top. It features a tank top with a tail in the back and very low cut arm holes and back, so lots of glimpses of skin, and matching shorts that are a simple style and great length.

Nail note of the night: Nail It Good! has 2 gifts out for the free to join Third Life group, and the joiner is above the gifts. They are called Monkey Business and Sexy Bunnies, and feature sock monkeys and Playboy bunnies, respectively. I wound up with more monkey business than bunnies, hehe, but they are both really nice gifts :)

Well, it's time for the credits, have a great day/evening and lots of magpie hugs to all of you!!

All Prizes from Get To Know Us Hunt - AmAzInNg CrEaTiOnS:
Photo 1:
Dress: AmAzInNg CrEaTiOnS Mesh dress  $0L Prize #1/2/3

Nails: Nail It Good! SB Sexy Bunnies Nails  $0L Third Life Group Gift (Free to Join)

Photo 2:
Dress: AmAzInNg CrEaTiOnS IceSkate Dress  $0L Prize #1/2/3

Nails: Nail It Good! Monkey Business  $0L Third Life Group Gift (Free to Join)

Photo 3:

Outfit: AmAzInNg CrEaTiOnS- Jacket outfit  $0L Prize #4/5/6
Nails: Nail It Good! Monkey Business  $0L Third Life Group Gift (Free to Join)

Photo 4:

Dress: AmAzInNg CrEaTiOnS- mesh coat dress  $0L Prize #4/5/6
Nails: Nail It Good! Monkey Business  $0L Third Life Group Gift (Free to Join)

Photo 5:

Outfit: AmAzInNg CrEaTiOnS -shorts & top  $0L Prize #7/8/9
Nails: Nail It Good! Monkey Business  $0L Third Life Group Gift (Free to Join)

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Felicity - gingers
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Nicole Tan CL
Lips: [:T:] Parted lips {free from TULI skins} Parted lips 1  $0L Marketplace
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

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