
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Cart Sale Bargains and More!

Hiya everyone! I am very excited about The Wash Cart Sale, and I know I'm not alone in that feeling :) I got there so early after they opened that a few carts weren't even set up yet, but I know I will be back so it's not a big deal. Everything there is $10L or less, the bargains are absolutely amazing!! I also have some lucky board prizes to share, and even a dollarbie hunt prize, so let's have a look...

This sweet frock is a lucky board prize from **milky-way, at the soon-to-close Kiyomizu Mall. Several of the stores have set up lucky boards for the final days, and this lovely linen dress is one of the free gifts to be won. 

Another beautiful prize to wish a fond farewell to Kiyomizu Mall is this lucky board gift from [Le muguet] called *girly mood*. With the delicate lace layers and cute tube top, this sure does live up to its name! This includes a mesh top and skirt, along with a system layer for underneath the breasts, rather like a shelf bra, for added modesty just in case the mesh moves in a way you don't expect.

We can always rely on Somnia to provide wonderful gifts for any occasion, and the Cart Sale gave them a chance to share this pair of mesh Lumber Patch shirts with us for free. Standard mesh sizes in each lavender and peach are included, and I love the knot at the bottom. For my nails, I went with another favorite of mine at the Cart Wash, La Boheme, and one of their amazing sets of nails available for $10L. 
This is a better look at the various colors included in the [LB Persian Lace Gold] Slink manicure HUD on sale for a mere $10L. I love the stylish gold trim, and the 10 lovely base colors mean that you should be able to find something to work with any outfit. In the first two photos I went with the white from this HUD.

That dollarbie hunt I mentioned in the beginning of the post is the Fashion Play Hunt, which has paths for men and women, so there are plenty of possibilities for everyone :) I am wearing prize #2 from Dressed By Lexi, this stunning mesh gown which comes with standard mesh sizes and the bow shaped brooch for the bodice, separate so it can be worn with or without. I am showing off a couple more Cart Wash purchases with it, both from Nerdy Girl and both terrific :) My shoulder tattoo which says Always is a Harry Potter reference (the A is the Deathly Hallows symbol) and I am a huge fanatic of the series, so this tattoo made me ridiculously happy. I am showing the soft version but it also comes in Bold, and there are Omega and Slink appliers included for your $10L. My nails are even a Harry Potter homage, closer look below.... 
If you have seen the movies and/or know the books, you will recognize the color schemes here as being representative of the school houses. I wore Ravenclaw blue above, here it's still on my thumb but more visible are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and the Deathly Hallows symbol on my ring finger. Just $10L for this terrific HUD!

I feel like this is just a slow week for me, like I am running behind each night and not even sure why, but I can't end without sending fond wishes for a great day/evening to all of you, and magical magpie hugs!!


Photo 1:
Dress: **milky-way *14-14 Linen one-p Pink  $0L Kiyomizu Lucky Board Prize
Nails: [LB Persian Lace Gold] *Slink* Manicure  $10L The Wash Cart Sale

Photo 2:

Outfit: [Le muguet] *girly mood* LB  $0L Kiyomizu Lucky Board Prize
Nails: [LB Persian Lace Gold] *Slink* Manicure  $10L The Wash Cart Sale

Photo 3 and Nail Closeup:

Top: .: Somnia :. Lumber Patch {Lavender} and {Peach}  $0L Cart Sale Gift
Pants: *AVD*  Summer! White capri  $0L Marketplace Freebie
Nails: [LB Persian Lace Gold] *Slink* Manicure  $10L The Wash Cart Sale

Photo 4 and Nail Closeup:

Dress: Dressed By Lexi ::DBL:: Effortless Mesh Gown ~ Sapphire  $1L Fashion Play Hunt Prize #2
Nails: Nerdy Girl )*NG*( Nerdy Nails - The Wizard School  $10L Wash Cart Sale

Tattoo: Nerdy Girl )*NG*( Always Tattoo Soft  $10L Wash Cart Sale

Hair: Magika [01] Safe
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. GG OCT 2014 Lorelay Tan CL
Lips: [:T:] Parted lips {free from TULI skins} Parted lips 1  $0L Marketplace
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

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