
Monday, October 5, 2015

Spookify Your Nails Part Twooooo

Hiya everyone! Tonight is part two of the nails available in the Spookify Your Body Hunt, and there are plenty of great finds to adorn your fingertips in style. I truly enjoy playing around with the HUDs and painting individual nails, coming up with fun combinations to make them my own. Well, let's have a look, shall we?

First we have a Slink Pumpkin Face set from [: Rad Designz :] who are #9 in the hunt. There are 6 designs on the HUD, but as you can see one of them seems to be doing its own thing and is actually a silhouette on an orange sky instead of a smiling pumpkin. The best part is, I'm all about variety so I don't even mind :) 

Our next beautiful manicure is courtesy of #11 La Boheme, and you already know I'm a huge fan of theirs. Reinforcing my fandom, you can see a sampling of both designs you receive if you find their free pumpkin, [LB Nightmare Gold] on my right hand and [LB Nightmare Silver] on the left hand so screen right. Each has 10 different colors for the background, and there are HUDs for Slink/Omega manicure, Slink/Omega pedicure, and Maitreya nails. These are simply stunning!

For some more Halloween themed nail art, be sure to visit #21 LIVIA and find that pumpkin so you too can enjoy their Nightmare Nails. There are 5 choices on their HUD for Omega and Slink, 4 in a classic monochrome but one having a touch of orange among the webbing. I think I'd like to alternate the black and white background webs or use one as the accent nail for the other.

You may have been wondering about the top I'm wearing that is visible in little glimpses above, well the good news is that it is another prize from this hunt! The prize from #6 Lolita is this Mesh Lace Bra in black, and includes standard mesh sizes plus one for Slink Physique. The pattern on the ruffle reminds me of eyelet lace, and honestly even though it's labeled as a bra I think it can be worn as a shirt, especially with that frilly layer on top. Dress it up with a maxi skirt, make it casual with jeans or leather pants, the possibilities are endless.

Well we made it through another Monday, so give yourself a hand for that :) Have a wonderful day/evening, and lots of magical magpie hugs to each of you!!

All Prizes from the Spookify Your Body Hunt:

Photo 1:

Nails: [:Rad Designz:] Slink Pumpkin Face  $0L Prize #9

Photo 2:

Nails: La Boheme [LB Nightmare Gold] and [LB Nightmare Silver]  $0L Prize #11

Photo 3:

Nails: LIVIA::Nightmare Nails Omega/Slink HUDs  $0L Prize #21

Photo 4:

Bra: Lolita - Mesh Lace Bra Black  $0L Prize #6

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Malea - gingers
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. GG JUNE 2014 Poison Tan CL
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

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