
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Seasons Story Anniversary Gifties

Hiya everyone! I finally visited The Seasons Story for their 2nd anniversary round, and what a treat it turned out to be! Most of the participating designers have out free gifts for everyone, along with the usual wonderful sales items and gachas. The landing area has a ring of vendors to explore, then you'll want to follow the path down to the much bigger ring down the hill where the majority of displays can be found. Two observations about the gifts: 1) there was no clothing for me to show off, and 2) there were lots of hair gifts which is unusual but delightful. So I am focusing on showing you hair tonight, along with a couple of new friends I made there ;)

First we have the Juniper hair from Mithral Apothecary, which comes in the version shown plus a 'busty' version if you need it. I love the soft fading from ginger to creamy blonde, such a pretty and flattering look.

Another gift of long locks can be found at Damselfly's display, their Anjelica with a Mixed HUD so you can switch to a variety of colors/fades, two of which are shown above. 

Blues is offering two gifts with reversed names but similar styles and ideas...on the left we have Anna Lee in Rainbow: brown, and on the right is Lee Anne in Rainbow: blonde. In addition to the color, you'll notice that one has a center part and the other a side part.

If you are looking for something a bit shorter, maybe this beauty called Karin which is our gift from [DUE], complete with a HUD called Vitamin which has 10 pretty shades to choose from. All my wandering made me glad for the gift from C'est la Vie, the Autumn Mug which comes with the attachment called Beard Cream, most likely a mistranslation of mustache and utterly adorable. With no cinnamon or nutmeg as a clue, I have decided that mine is a nice Chai latte for variety's sake...what flavor would you like yours to be? The hold pose is built in by the way.

Last but certainly not least, I did mention I made some new friends while visiting The Seasons Story, and both of the ones I'm showing you here are free gifts! On the left we have our precious Elephant Doll from Gorodee, and on the right we have Schadenfreude's anniversary present for all of us, named voobou: milaya. From her gorgeous violet eyes to her pop of bright pink hair and outfit to match, she is a real charmer!

Instead of a nail note of the night, I have a dress note of the night...with no clothing gifts to share, I went to a reliable and fun place to find goodies, the Marketplace. This Lina Dress from ~@HYA@~ really caught my eye, and it comes in standard mesh sizes in two versions, a grey belted and a white belted variety. I figured it would make a lovely backdrop for all the hairstyles I was showing, while being neutral enough not to distract from them.

Have a glorious day/evening everyone, magical magpie hugs to each of you!!

All Gifts from The Seasons Story 2nd Anniversary Event:

Photo 1:
Hair: Mithral Apothecary  * Juniper  $0L TSS GIFT

Photo 2:
Hair: ~*Damselfly*~ Free Gift Anjelica Mixed-Pack  $0L TSS GIFT

Photo 3:
Hair: Blues - Lee Anne & Anna Lee  $0L TSS GIFT

Photo 4:
Hair: [DUE] Karin with HUD - Vitamin  $0L TSS GIFT
Mug: ::C'est la vie !:: Autumn Mug/Beard Cream  $0L TSS gift

Photo 5:
Pet Left: :: GORODEE :: Elephant doll  $0L TSS GIFT

Pet Right: Schadenfreude - vouboo: milaya  $0L TSS GIFT

Dress: ~@HYA@~ Lina Dress  $0L Marketplace

Skin: .::WoW Skins::. V2 Stella Tan CL
Lips: [:T:] Parted lips {free from TULI skins} Parted lips 1  $0L Marketplace
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

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