
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Twisted Jewelry

Hiya everyone! Tonight's blog post is focused on a delightful part of the Twisted Hunt, some of the beautiful jewelry I found along the way. I actually made it through the End Game thanks to a lot of help and support from my fantastic partner Xan, and I am very grateful as always. So would you like to see a sampling of the accessories to be found in the hunt? :)

First I should introduce you to the gown that serves as backdrop for all of tonight's jewelry, the prize from JLZ Fashion. You can find this lovely caped gown as #070 in the hunt path. The necklace is quite a statement piece, isn't it? PIXEL BOX is offering their Necklace Phoenix in their hidden cube #030 and it contains a resize script if you need it. I have a fondness for phoenixes that predates my Harry Potter fascination, so this prize really captures my attention and imagination.

Next we have the Women's Twisted Qi Necklace from Secrets of Gaia, stop #001 and one of the organizers of the hunt. I was particularly taken by the gems and the unique metal, and that appears to be a hamsa in the center. If so, that would make it a protective symbol from the Evil Eye.

Zuri Rayna Jewelry has been very generous for the Twisted hunt, as they have extra prizes hidden in their store and a gift at the End Game. The necklace is called Twisted Dawn, and is the main prize at the store, and the unisex Twisted Leather Cuffs are a bonus prize there. The Twisted Dawn Earrings are one of many rewards for surviving the End Game, and they are just as lovely as the necklace.

I have praised CPD (Chaos, Panic, & Disorder!) before for their generosity, and all their decoy cubes contain prizes so there are actually 11 gift-packed cubes to find there. Top row left to right we have the women's versions of Balance Necklace, Twisted Chi Necklace, and Five Elements Necklace which has a bonus surprise...there is a menu upon touch that allows for 5 color changes of the beads (fire, earth, wood, metal, and earth shown) and 2 metal changes, silver or gold which is shown. Bottom row we have Gold Qi and Silver Qi Necklaces, very impressive and bold necklaces. Add in the 5 men's versions and that brings us to 10 total prizes, so what's in that 11th? Well it is a Balance Accessories Crate, packed full of matching goodies for the necklaces...there are a men's and women's set of bracelets, earrings in gold and silver, hoop earrings in gold and silver, a nose ring in gold and silver, and gold balance bracelets for left and right wrists. You can tell that it took considerable restraint on my part to keep the image above as small and simple as I did! :) All this can be found at stop #022 on the hunt path.

One last beauty for the night, we have one of the 12 side hunt prizes from {Acios} who are #044 in the hunt. Each side hunt prize is one of the Chinese zodiac signs represented on a necklace, a male and female version of each are included along with a HUD with 6 metal colors, 21 bead colors, and 6 leather colors which are subtle tints. I am wearing #9 which is the Pig, my RL Chinese zodiac, and I showed two combinations of the colors among the remarkable number possible. There is a notecard in each one with a calculator to see what your sign is if you're unsure, so you will easily find out which is the right one. You can wear any of them for any reason really though, the sign of a loved one or your avatar's rez year, or just whichever animal you prefer.

Whew, that is a lot of fun packed into one post! I really do appreciate all the wonderful prizes from this hunt, but since it's wrapping up soon I am hesitant to blog them again. I believe it ends on the 19th, and that isn't much time to visit over 100 stores, so I hope you've already started if you are interested :) I have other tricks and treats up my sleeves as well, so not quite decided on what you can expect for tomorrow. Meanwhile, have a beautiful day/evening, magical magpie hugs to each of you!!

All Prizes from the Twisted Hunt - Qi:

Photo 1:

Dress: JLZ Fashion - Twisted Fall 2015  $0L Prize #070
Necklace: PIXEL BOX - Necklace Phoenix  $0L Prize #030

Photo 2:

Necklace: Secrets of Gaia Woman's Twisted Qi Necklace  $0L Prize #001

Photo 3:
Necklace: Zuri Rayna- Twisted Dawn Necklace  $0L Prize #014
Earrings: Zuri Rayna- Twisted Dawn Earrings  $0L End Game Prize

Cuffs: Zuri Rayna- Twisted Leather Cuffs  $0L Bonus Prize #014

Photo 4:
Necklaces: Chaos, Panic, & Disorder! :*:CPD:*: Balance Necklace (Women)  $0L Prize #022
:*:CPD:*: Captured Chi Necklace (Women)  $0L Prize #022
:*:CPD:*: Five Elements Necklace (Women)  $0L Prize #022
:*:CPD:*: Gold Qi Necklace (Women)  $0L Prize #022

:*:CPD:*: Silver Qi Necklace (Women)  $0L Prize #022

Photo 5:

Necklace: {Acios} Chinese Zodiac Necklace female ~Pig~  $0L Side Hunt Gift #9

Nails: Vengeful Threads: Slink Nails - Qi Nail Hud  $0L Prize #040

Hair: TRUTH Auralee w/Roots - copper ($50L Discount Room, gingers pack)
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Eshe Tan CL
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

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