
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Group Goodies

Hiya everyone! Another busy day, another feast...I was fortunate enough to find another store with a group that's free to join and the benefits include a Midnight Mania board, 10 lucky boards, and group gifts as well. The store is called Nala Design, and you'll see the group joiner when you walk in the main store, then in the right section of the store you can find all the board and gifts. Not only do I have a sampling of those to share, but I have a $1L hunt gift from the Twisted Tale Hunt to share first.

This cheerful and sexy dress is by XTASYA and is called the Twisted Dot Dress, and is the dollarbie prize from the Twisted Tale Hunt found there in a red book. The hunt ends on the 30th so you will need to hurry, but you'll find hints and locations on their blog to help you decide which stores to visit. 

Over to Nala Design, where I was lucky enough to win this great prize from one of their lucky boards. It is called Zayed Maze, and once you've joined their group for free you too might win this generous gift of a mesh top and skinny pants, plus matching shoes for Slink high (check out the awesome key heels!) and even a pair of glowy earrings and a necklace with a key to match the shoes. Fantastic complete outfit, isn't it?

Perhaps like me (as evidenced by the blog name) you are a fan of Midnight Mania boards, then perhaps you will be fortunate enough to be one of 40 clickers to receive this outfit named Angel. It includes the mesh red & gold jumpsuit, the pretty gold bracelet which is actually a large pile of bangles in one piece, and let's not forget the purse and even the matching shoes for Slink high. Sometimes it's fun to spend time scrolling through your favorite accessories to find the perfect match, other times you just want to be able to dress quickly and easily to start your SL time right away. This store seems to be ideal for finding an entire ensemble in one folder :)

I did mention group gifts, and here they are! These fantastic dresses are both named Naima, and while they are similar they have distinct differences that make me glad to have both in my inventory. Naima Red on the left and in the center is a delight in crimson and gold. It comes with 2 pearl bracelets, the scarf I'm wearing in the left panel in 3 sizes, and gold sandals for Slink high. Naima Black is shaded in charcoal and silver, with a lovely subtle pattern on it. It comes with 3 different pearl bracelets, black shoes for Slink high, and instead of a scarf it includes a pearl necklace to match the bracelets. These are the two group gifts currently available in the store, and there is one for the SL F&O group as well. 

Nail note of the night: I visited Entice and won from their lucky boards a very cute set of manicures, the Living for Love Nails HUDs for Darks which come in Slink and Maitreya appliers. They offer 5 designs in various colors and subtle patterns to choose from, and no group is needed for their lucky boards. 

Wowie, I am really running late tonight! There is just one more busy day before I can actually relax and be lazy on Sunday, hehe, but I have enjoyed everything that has been keeping me occupied lately. I hope you all have a beautiful weekend, magical magpie hugs to each of you!!


Photo 1:

Dress: XTASYA .::X::. - Twisted Dot Dress (Twisted Tale Hunt gift)  $1L Hunt Prize

Photo 2:

Outfit: Nala Design ND *Zayed Maze*  $0L Lucky Board Prize (Free Group Needed)

Photo 3:

Outfit: Nala Design ND *Angels*  $0L Midnight Mania Prize (Free Group Needed)

Photo 4:
Dress Left/Center: Nala Design *ND* Naima Red  $0L Group Gift (Free to Join)
Dress Right: Nala Design *ND* Naima Black  $0L Group Gift (Free to Join)

Nails: Entice - Living for Love Nails HUDs for Darks (Maitreya/Slink)  $0L Lucky Board Prize

Hair: TRUTH Freya- gingers
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Star GG JULY Tan CL
Lips: [:T:] Parted lips {free from TULI skins} Parted lips 1  $0L Marketplace
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

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