
Monday, November 30, 2015

Manicure Monday

Hiya everyone! It occurred to me that I've been mentioning various nail HUDs without showing you closer views, so tonight is a perfect chance to do so. I love that Slink hands give us the ability to do each nail individually, it made tonight's post a lot easier and allows for such flexibility and creativity. Well let's have a look, shall we?

First we have one that came in handy the past couple of days for me, the [Critter] HUD from *pulcino*. It's a lucky board prize, no group needed, and offers 10 color choices with very thin stripes of white or black (depending on the main color) down the center of each nail. This HUD only works for Slink hands and feet.

My next nail treat is a moving gift from Nail Me! and is called Fantasia. They offer 4 different designs in beautiful color combinations that remind me of foil or a more subtle version of water marbling, and you need a group tag but they are currently free to join. More good news, there are 2 other group gifts waiting for you too, so you have three fantastic reasons to hurry! :) They offer Slink and Omega HUDs for us.

I had also just picked up the weekly group gift from Hello Dave, whose frequent treats have found their way to my blog many times in the past and surely will again and again. This is Jewelled Snowfall and there are 6 different colors with delicate flakes on each, from pale green to a striking blue and even a deep red. Their HUDs are compatible with Slink and Omega.

Two gifts in one photo, we have a sample of group gifts available at LIVIA and they won't cost you a bit. The left side shows the October group gift called Electric Ombre, and I am loving the pretty colors and the glitz down the middle! The right side is a group gift for the Third Life Group, similar to the SLF&O group gifts I've blogged before in that many stores around the grid offer gifts. Great news, the LIVIA group is free to join just like the Third Life Group :) The store's group currently has 3 different gifts available, and they all come with Slink and Omega HUDs.

Finally I decided to share a better look at what I'm wearing, as it is a free treasure as well :) My outfit is from Nala Design and is a Midnight Mania gift, and while a group tag is needed to click that board, the group is free to join. The outfit includes the top and skirt in standard mesh sizes, along with the matching sandals for Slink high. I also took the opportunity to show you the sunglasses that are an accessory included with my Truth hair, which is on sale on the Marketplace as I've mentioned before for $100L for the variety pack. The sunnies come with their own HUD for color choices, so you get a HUD for them, the hair bands holding the ponytails, and the hair itself so 3 HUDs mean lots of variety.

Well, no nail or hair note tonight since I already told ya the details of each :) So now I get to start worrying about how best to get Advent calendar gifts blogged in a reasonable amount of time so you don't miss their 24-hour window for each...I don't see any compiled lists anywhere online yet, but I am going to do my best to inform you about those holiday treats when I can. Credits time, magical magpie hugs to each and every one of you!!


Photo 1:
Nails: *pulcino*: Slink Applier [Critter]  $0L Lucky Board Prize

Photo 2:

Nails: {Nail Me!} Nail Appliers - Fantasia  $0L Group Gift (Free To Join)

Photo 3:

Nails: Hello Dave VIPs - Jewelled Snowfall  $0L Group Gift (Free to Join)

Photo 4:
Nails Left: LIVIA::Electric Ombre Oct2015::GroupGift  $0L Group Gift (Free to Join)

Nails Right: LIVIA::Glitz-Aqua Nails [Slink/Omega]  $0L Third Life Group Gift (Free to Join)

Photo 5:

Outfit: Nala Design ND *Mary Lou Smile Red*  $0L Midnight Mania Gift (Free Group Needed)

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Karlie - variety  $100L Marketplace sale
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Star GG JULY Tan CL
Lips: [:T:] Parted lips {free from TULI skins} Parted lips 1  $0L Marketplace
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

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