
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Trick or Treat at The Fantasy Collective

Hiya everyone! If you haven't gotten all of the trick-or-treating out of your system yet, I have great news for you...head over to The Fantasy Collective, join their free group, and click all the pumpkins you see at each display for either a trick or a treat from each designer. Dozens of fun filled gifts are waiting for you, and the pumpkins will be there until the 15th when the event ends so you still have plenty of time.

First we have some makeup treats from Tuli, which include the system layer Band of Thorns, Tears tintable tattoos on separate layers for left and right, and 4 tintable prim lashes called clumpy, sparse, separated, and feathery which I am wearing above but are quite subtle. I didn't change the tint on anything, so you can see them in their default look and decide if you'd prefer to change the colors yourself.

Izzie's decided to go with some makeup artistry treats as well, and this is just a sampling of their playful gifts for our lips. In their pumpkin you will find Halloween Lipstick in cat plain, orange, and purple (upper left), open mouth in purple and red (upper right), panda (lower left) and panda white, and spider in plain, silver (lower right) and white. These are so adorable, even the spider ones are so well crafted that I didn't have a spider spaz reaction ;)

This photo makes me smile, as I have a sweet new friend along with a gorgeous hair accessory and a spooky new choker. The precious pup is from {le fil casse} and is called dirty puppy SHADOW, with a built in hold pose. I immediately fell in love! The necklace is from Moon Elixir and is called Raven Skull Choker, very realistic on a nice braid. I must say, their 'box' is delightful, it's a potion bottle filled with purple liquid and a glowing crescent moon that you hold and drink while the unpacker script does its thing. My floral headpiece is our gift from Astralia, and it is an exclusive for this event. 

More new friends with a great sense of humor, we have a Ghosty Plushy TFC edition in my arms from Plastik and the hold pose is built in, and the tail wiggles happily. My other friend floating behind me is our gift from Cubic Cherry Kre-ations, simply called Bat Companion and a delicious pun. If I seem to have something on my face, well it's called Nerd's Revenge and is our trick from Ama. It includes the pencil, system tattoo layer, and appliers for CATWA and Omega (labeled experimental) for the skin damage. 

One last look encompasses a trick from *Figment*, their bouncing eyeball, bouncing atop my head and therefore my new hair, which is a true treat from ~*Damselfly*~. Their gift is this terrific hair with Mixed HUD of several colors, both solids and fades. Even my necklace is a reward for trick or treating, courtesy of Cae. Their Bleed necklace comes with a HUD for 3 metal colors and 6 blood colors, including of course a bright red.

Nail note of the night: there is a nail gift you will find while trick-or-treating here, from Garbaggio and called Spooky Slink Nails Applier. 8 designs, 4 on bare nails and 4 black backgrounds so they work with just about any outfit. You may be wondering about my outfit, well as there were no clothing gifts at this event I decided to visit the marketplace to see what I could find there. Bart Simpson caught my attention as soon as I spotted this freebie from Kapone, a little mischief maker with an innocent grin here.

It has been a tiring Tuesday, but I sure hope you all found a good reason to smile. Magical magpie hugs to everyone!!

All Gifts from The Fantasy Collective Trick or Treat:

Photo 1:
Makeup: Tuli [:T:] TFC Trick or Treat  $0L Group Gift

Photo 2:
Lipsticks: Izzie's Halloween Lipstick (TFC Gift)  $0L Group Gift

Photo 3:
Pet: {le fil casse} dirty puppy SHADOW  $0L Group Gift
Necklace: Moon Elixir - Raven Skull Choker  $0L Group Gift
Headpiece: Astralia - Soraya headpiece BLACK exclusive for TFC  $0L Group Gift

Photo 4:
Face SFX: Ama. : Geek's Revenge  $0L Group Gift
Held Pet: :[P]:- Ghosty Plushy - TFC Spec. Ed  $0L Group Gift
Floating Pet: {Bat Companion} .::Cubic Cherry Kre-ations::.  $0L Group Gift

Photo 5:
Hair: ~*Damselfly*~*Amarie Rigged-Mesh with Mixed HUD  $0L Group Gift
Head Pet: *Figment* Bouncing Eyeball Trick!  $0L Group Gift
Necklace: Cae :: Bleed :: Necklace/HUD  $0L Group Gift

Nails: Garbaggio // Spooky - Slink Nails Applier HUD  $0L Group Gift

Dress: Kapone Skirt&Sweat outfit "bart"  $0L Marketplace

Hair Photos 1-4: TRUTH Delphine - gingers
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Manuela Milk CL
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

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