
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday Dirty Turkey Treats

Hiya everyone! I have some more prizes from The Dirty Turkey Hunt to share with you, a fun variety of terrific treasures that I hope you enjoy. Just keep searching for that hockey puck shaped hunt object with the turkey on the flat sides, and good luck!

This short and sassy dress is from *ToXiC*H* (prize #33) and is called Romy Dress Silky Worm. The belt is a built in part of it, along with the chains dangling from it, and the studs at the neckline make jewelry almost unnecessary. Having my arms bare made it a great opportunity to show you prize #07 from insanya, their Cursed V2 tattoo which comes in two different styles. In the main photo I am wearing arm 1 which includes both sleeves, and the inset arm 2 is shown along with a closer look at arm 1. I am showing the fresh versions of each to make them more visible in photos, but each version comes in fresh, faded, and worn, system layers plus appliers for Maitreya, Omega, Slink, and TMP for each.

If you need something a bit more cozy for a chilly evening as I've had here for the past couple of nights, our gift from #37 .epoch. should do the trick. Their adorable Novie Onsie comes in standard mesh sizes and includes a HUD for 6 texture choices, 3 of which are shown above. I need one of these in real life!

Since mustaches have been a trendy design for a while now, I suppose that beards couldn't be that far fun hoodie is prize #42 from styled@random and comes in male and female versions, standard mesh sizes for each. There is a HUD included for 4 different color options. The shorts are Cool Girl Denim Shorts from PICHI and can be found in prize #49, and include several mesh sizes. Even my sneakers are a prize from the hunt, #53 Praxis has rewarded our search with their Piper Sneaks which come in sizes S, M, L, and unrigged, and include a HUD with 5 texture choices. Plenty of versatility from these generous prizes!

Our last glance for the night includes the same shorts from the previous photo (from PICHI) paired with a very pretty tube top from <3 Heartistic. Their Rose Top comes in standard mesh sizes along with versions for Freya, Isis, Maitreya, Slink, and V3. I was drawn to how the floral pattern is adorned by a lace-trimmed heart, just a small detail that adds so much.

No nail note tonight as I went with the Slink default HUD, but I do have a skin note of the night. I am wearing Dawn from 7 Deadly s{K}ins, prize #39 in the hunt, in their marshmallow shade but the taupe is also included for a darker tone. Each tone comes in versions with or without cleavage, I tend to go with the cleavage shading. There are appliers for Slink hands and feet included and a TMP HUD for each tone, and there is even a prize for the men named Storm in the same hunt object. This is definitely one of those hunts that it is worth it for the guys as well as the ladies to take part!

Sending plenty of magical magpie hugs to each of you, and I hope you're all having a terrific day/evening!!

All Prizes from The Dirty Turkey Hunt:

Photo 1:

Dress: *ToXiC*H* Romy Dress Silky Worm  $0L Prize #33
Tattoo: :::insanya::: TATTOO - Cursed V2  $0L Prize #07

Photo 2:

Outfit: .epoch. novie onsie  $0L Prize #37

Photo 3:

Top: ::styled@random:: Beard Hoodie  $0L Prize #42
Shorts: PICHI - Cool Girl Denim Shorts  $0L Prize #49
Sneakers: Praxis - Piper Sneaks  $0L Prize #53

Photo 4:

Top: <3 Heartistic TDTH Rose Top  $0L Prize #05

Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Dawn marshmellow  $0L Prize #39

Hair: TRUTH Ami - gingers
Lips: [:T:] Parted lips {free from TULI skins} Parted lips 1  $0L Marketplace
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

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