
Monday, December 7, 2015

Oodles of Advent Gifts

Hiya everyone! It has been a busy morning already, zipping around the grid claiming so many terrific Advent gifts. I have a special folder for all the landmarks and I marked the ones that I need to change to the group tag to collect their gift, trying to stay organized. I love seeing the decorations at each place, and I hope all of you enjoy any places you're visiting along with the generous gifts :)
First we have a very sexy lingerie set from Emerald Couture, called O My Chel in Hot Pink and Black. It includes the system layers for bra and panties, plus appliers for Belleza, Omega and Maitreya, along with the mesh lacy robe and matching Slink high shoes. Look at that cute heart in the base of the shoes! My tattoo is also an Advent calendar gift, this one from Kamiri, and is their Vines Flower tattoo with the system layer shown and a TMP installer plus a MEGA HUD with plenty of applier options. For Kamiri's Advent calendar you will need that free group tag.

This beauty is today's Advent calendar gift from Purple Candy, their Louper in Blue dress. No group needed, just find the right number decorating the tree inside the main building. You will receive this dress in standard mesh sizes, along with a second outfit that will be a surprise to you since it's not shown :)

This sexy number is today's gift from *SOIR* and is called Se'Var White. It is a bit different than most mesh clothing, as there is no alpha included and it just comes in a few specific sizes: basic body as shown, Maitreya, Slink, and TMP versions. The snowflake layers on each shoulder are so pretty, and I love the delicate frosted pattern.

Loordes of London has a wonderful treat for us today, as there were a couple of days the owner was unable to get online so now we can claim 3 gifts at once. They are counting backwards, so today it is #20, 19 and 18, and you do need to join the group but it is currently free. The dress from #20 is called Tunikamekko, such a lovely deep color and the attached belt is delightful too. Standard mesh sizes are provided. Gift #18 is the Helix earrings, couldn't resist showing you a closer look of the beautifully crafted gemstone beads and the fun style. Gift #19, not shown, is a pretty mesh skirt, so don't hesitate! You need these gifts!

One last look for the day, this is the female gift from the Bees Heaven Advent calendar board and is called "Kitties" because of the seasonal trio on the sweater. This is actually a single mesh piece, which can certainly make things easier, in several sizes so you can find the best fit. No group is needed for this lovely gift.

Today we have a nail note along with skin and eyes...the nails are day 7 from Hello Dave, a daily gift for their group members which is free to join. My skin is actually a gift from WoW Skins for the KittyCatS calendar, and is their new skin design for 2016 in their updated shade of tan. It is darker than the previous tan I usually wear, and I noticed subtle differences in the face and body shadowing as well. The gift includes a version with or without cleavage, and I used the Omega appliers from their group gift for the month (NOT free to join) as none are included with the Advent version. My eyes are yet another terrific Advent calendar gift from Inkheart, this set being their Spring Eyes in Goldish. These charmers, as with their other gifts so far, come in system and mesh versions in 3 sizes each. 

It is time for this happy but tired blogger to get some rest, I know Mondays aren't always the easiest but I try to look at it as the beginning of a brand new week full of possibilities. Embrace the good, it's there somewhere :) Magical magpie hugs to each of you!!


Photo 1:

Lingerie: Emerald Couture EC O MY Chel Hot Pink N Black  $0L Advent Gift 7
Tattoo: + Kamiri + Vines Flower Tattoo/Appliers  $0L Advent Gift 7 (Free Group Needed)

Photo 2:

Dress: Purple Candy Louper Blue  $0L Advent Gift 7

Photo 3:

Dress: *SOIR* Se'Var White  $0L Advent Gift 7

Photo 4:
Dress: Loordes of London-Tunikamekko-#11  $0L Advent Gift 20 (Free Group Needed)
Earrings: Loordes of London-The Helix-#4  $0L Advent Gift 18 (Free Group Needed)

Photo 5:

Outfit: Bees Heaven Dress "Kitties"  $0L Advent Gift 7

Eyes:* Inkheart * - Spring Eyes - Goldish  $0L Advent Gift 7 (Free Group Needed)

Skin: .::WoW Skins::. ADV CALENDAR 2016 Skin TAN  $0L KittyCatS Advent Gift 7

Nails: {Nail Me!} Nail Appliers - Sugared Cherries  $0L Group Gift (Free to Join)

Hair: TRUTH Felicity - gingers
Lips: Tuli [:T:] Teeth HUD
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

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