
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Hunting For Something More Adult...

Hiya everyone! Tonight I have some gifts from a more adult themed hunt than I usually share, this is called the Hunt For Your Inner Slut and the object you're looking for is a golden cock (yes, as in penis). This is their 13th round so you've probably seen the hunt signs around the grid, and this round's theme is Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Confession time, I haven't read the book yet even though Xan got it for me 2 or 3 Christmases ago, so I don't get all the references as much as I should. I can still appreciate the generosity of the designers though :)

My first look tonight is two terrific gifts that work well together. The dress is from #018 Humble Beginnings and is their Out Of This Galaxy dress in standard fitmesh sizes plus Belleza, Maitreya, and Slink versions. I love the pattern, and the lace hem and cuffs! The collar is our prize #001 from Nerdology, the Don't Panic Collar in open collar and unscripted versions. The texture of the planet slowly rotates, it's a really intriguing piece.

Next we have a very sexy catsuit from Glitzz, #005 in the hunt path, and it includes matching corset pumps. The catsuit comes in 5 mesh sizes, and the pumps are in a Slink version and a non-rigged pair so you can adjust for your needs.

B Barbie Style (#006) has a great prize waiting for you, their Don't Panic Towel. You can choose from 6 different mesh sizes, so you certainly don't have to panic about finding the right fit ;) Besides, towels are very useful as well as this one being extra fun.

Our last look of the night is the prize from #010, Mad Cat Creations. Their shirt and jeans each come in more sizes than you can possibly imagine...there are over 50 shirt sizes alone! The pants come in lengths for Mid and High heels, I am showing the mid even though I'm wearing high feet and you can see how long they are. The shirt's pattern is so pretty.

No nail note of the night as I went with the Slink default HUD today :) I dozed off at the wrong time and am running late with my normal blogging routine, but I am safe and snuggly in all this snow. My area got about 20" and it's still falling a bit, so I am grateful to have electricity and internet. Magical magpie hugs to all of you, stay safe!!

All Prizes from the Hunt For Your Inner Slut Hunt:

Photo 1:

Dress: Humble Beginnings .:HB:. Out of this Galaxy $0L Hunt Prize #018
Collar: Nerdology {N} Don't Panic Collar $0L Hunt Prize #001

Photo 2:

Outfit: [GLitzz] Catsuit and Corset Pumps $0L Hunt Prize #005

Photo 3:

Towel: B Barbie Style (BBS) Don't Panic Towel $0L Hunt Prize #006

Photo 4:

Outfit: MadCatCreations MCC Womens Prize $0L Hunt Prize #010

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Kasimire [Browns] Gacha for Epiphany
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Sahra GG GEN 2016 Tan CL
Lips: Tuli [:T:] Teeth HUD
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

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