
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Egg Hunt at the GLH Spring Fair

Hiya everyone! Tonight I am sharing some prizes from an Easter Egg hunt at the German Land Holding Estate, who are hosting a Spring Fair with over 100 vendors along with the free egg hunt. Just pick up a free basket and add/wear it, and click every egg you see while browsing the fair, it's easy peasy :) It will tell you (in German and English) if you've found an egg already, but on your first click of each egg you get the corresponding prize delivered to you. I just wandered around and had fun with it, and wound up finding 101 out of 103 so I am really pleased with that. Here are a few looks at the clothing to be found in the eggs, but there are plenty of home decor and accessories and even a Hummer in those eggs!

First we have a lovely sleeveless gown from Emberotic's Fashion, their Beach Dress in standard mesh sizes along with a fitmesh version. I love the layered look, and that color is gorgeous. 

Two prizes here, the flirty dress is our Spring Fair Egg Hunt gift from Cara's Creations. The ruffle is a playful touch, and we have another lovely shade of blue that coincidentally matches another prize quite well...the earrings are our prize from DAMIANII called No. 21 Lily Parl Earrings, and they are beautiful with those perfect pearls surrounded by the robin's egg shade of blue flower.

My next look is a cute tunic from Melis CrazyShop, which they named Yellow Eastern Tunic with Belt. I admit, I was expecting something different, and I am not mocking what seems to be a typo because goodness knows I am far from immune to the typo fairy's visits. Besides, just look at that precious face! 

Finally we have the gift from the Rosa's Fashions egg, which is their RF 1250 outfit. It comes in male and female versions, system layer shirts with mesh pants in standard sizes. You can see from the rear view that the pants are loaded with straps and hardware, and the shirt has plenty of great detail as well. I do enjoy a nice dash of animal print from time to time :)

Nail note of the night: the Perfect Seduction egg has a set of nail HUDs inside for you, a duo of solid blue (that matched my first 2 dresses really well!) and a striped design, and there are both Slink and Omega HUDs included. My nails are certainly never neglected in SL.

Sorry about my lack of post yesterday, my viewer had a case of the crashies but at least it is behaving better today :) I hope you are all having a good week so far, magical magpie hugs to each of you!!

All Prizes from the [GLH] Spring Fair 2016 Easter Egg Hunt:

Photo 1:
Dress: Emberotic's Fashion [GLH] Beach Dress Gift $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 2:
Dress: Cara Creations CC - GLH Spring Fair Egg Hunt $0L Hunt Prize
Earrings: DAMIANII No.21 Lily Parl Earrings $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 3:
Dress: Melis CrazyShop Yellow Eastern Tunic with Belt $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 4:
Outfit: Rosa's Fashions .::RF::. 1250 Gift $0L Hunt Prize

Nails: Perfect Seduction PS! GLH Nails HUD $0L Hunt Prize

Hair: Elikatira [e] Karee - redheads 
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Roxana Tan CL
Lips: Tuli [:T:] Teeth HUD
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

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