
Monday, July 18, 2016

Marketplace Magic

Hiya everyone! For tonight I decided to explore the Marketplace for new goodies to share, since the weekend is winding down and it sounded more peaceful than teleporting all over. I also think people sometimes forget the great bargains you can find on there, and another benefit is being able to shop in your pajamas or even less without upsetting other customers ;) It was a fruitful search, I wound up with different types of looks for various occasions.

My first look is a versatile dress with the look of a top and skirt, a free gift from [GOLD SQUARE] called Layra Sleeves Flare Dress. It comes in 8 fitmesh versions including Belleza, Maitreya, and Slink, and there is a great HUD included that offers 7 texture options in various combinations, two of which I have shown above. This is such a terrific style, and the opportunity to change colors is always a plus.

Next I found something a bit more casual, good for a cool night or hopping on a motorcycle, or maybe gridwide hunting in classy comfort. This gift is from Merivale and is named Collette Loose Sweater With Leather Leggings. This cozy cutie is actually a single mesh piece that just looks like two, and comes in several fitmesh sizes including standard, Belleza, Maitreya, Hourglass, and Slink. 

This shirt touched my heart, so I am particularly pleased to share this wonderful free gift from Dream's. This is their Imagine Women's T-shirt and comes in many mesh sizes: 5 standard, TMP, Belleza Venus, Maitreya Lara, and a fitted version which I'm wearing above. The front features John Lennon's iconic round glasses and the word Imagine, and the back is the chorus of the classic song. It is a touching tribute to the many recent troubles in the world, and the designer decided to honor them all in one shirt. My jeans are the blue from the Delizio Jeans and Appliers I blogged previously.

One last look for tonight, this is a lovely gift from SaCaYa called Betty Swimsuit (Retro1) and comes with a very handy HUD for various features. On the left I have the Bow and Button off but left the Holder (neck strap) on, so on the right I turned off the holder and turned on the bow and buttons. There is even a brightness button on the HUD. Have fun playing with it until it suits your needs and your mood :) This comes in many mesh sizes: 5 classic, 5 fitmesh, Belleza Venus, Maitreya, and Slink Physique. 

Nail note of the night: I did find a very pretty Slink nail HUD for free on the marketplace that I hadn't seen before, from *KP* and with a single design of tiny flowers on a white background. They worked well as a neutral, and I will probably show a closer look in the future. I am running late because I was out longer than initially planned, so I will just wrap this up with wishes for a beautiful evening and magical magpie hugs to everyone!!


Photo 1:

Dress: [GOLD SQUARE] Sleeves Flare Dress LAYRA FITMESH+HUD 7 Tex $0L Marketplace

Photo 2:

Outfit: Merivale Collette Loose Sweater With Leather Leggings $0L Marketplace

Photo 3:

Shirt: Dream's Imagine Women's T-shirt $0L Marketplace
Pants: Delizio - Jeans + Applier for Maitreya + Omega $0L Marketplace

Photo 4:

Bathing Suit: SaCaYa - Betty Swimsuit (Retro1) #8 $0L Marketplace

Nails: *KP* Nails GIFT for SLINK! $0L Marketplace

Hair: Magika [01] Meadow
Nails: Slink Utilities HUD
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. 2016 Anais Tan Nat
Eyes: * Inkheart * - Fantasy Eyes - Brown (M)
Lips: Tuli [:T:] Teeth HUD
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual/Elegant 1
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Deluxe Pack

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