
Monday, October 31, 2016

Let's Get Frocked

Hiya everyone! Tonight I have some Halloween and autumn themed gifts from Get Frocked, who are having a mini hunt for their group members, free to join. All you need to do is click all the pumpkins you can find (look high and low, and even behind scary doors LOL) and 10 of them will give you prizes while a few are decoys that will give you empty boxes with names like Try Again. The prizes are numbered 1-10 so you know you've found the actual correct ones :) Another bit of advice I will give is to look closely at any mannequins you see in the store.

Here I am enjoying prize #02, their Autumn Dress in 5 fitmesh sizes. I love the style with its dramatic open front with pretty wrap style straps, and the texture is a perfect touch for the season.

Here I have combined two prizes, the sweater is found in prize #03 and simply named Autumn Sweater. The pants are Faded Skinny Jean and are our prize #07. Each are included in standard mesh sizes, and look terrific together but can easily work with anything else you wish.

Prize #04 holds this sexy Batty Corset Dress, which comes in 8 fitmesh sizes including Belleza, Maitreya, and Slink. The bats are surrounded by pale dots on their black background, giving them a silvery look.

For a dress with some serious hardware, find prize #05, their Blood Leather Dress, which comes in standard mesh sizes along with a fitted version. I really like the many straps and buckles, they look great against the blood-smeared leather.

One last look for this evening, we have the Bloody Hands Cami Dress from prize #06 which comes in standard mesh sizes along with Belleza, Maitreya, and Slink fits. The shoes are prize #08 and called Frilled Stiletto Shoes, and are for Slink high feet. I though the red frills really bring out those bloody handprints, LOL, perfect for Halloween night :) The cross straps and rivets give an even more alluring look.

I hope you are all having a great day/evening, and for those of you who celebrate Halloween I hope it was a fun one :) They don't seem to bother trick-or-treating on my dead end street anymore, so I went to my parents' for dinner instead. They didn't have any visitors either, so I'm wondering if our township did something over the weekend or at a central location. Tonight my mind is mostly on a strange dream I had where RL and SL were merged, and I was blogging for someone in exchange for a free rental home but had a problem with the teleport pads. They don't seem to work quite as smoothly in RL ;) Magical magpie hugs to all of you!!

All Prizes from the Get Frocked Mini Hunt:

Photo 1:
Dress: Autumn Dress $0L Prize #02

Photo 2:
Top: Autumn Sweater $0L Prize #03
Pants: Faded Skinny Jean $0L Prize #07

Photo 3:
Dress: Batty Corset Dress $0L Prize #04

Photo 4:
Dress: Blood Leather Dress $0L Prize #05

Photo 5:
Dress: Bloody Hands Cami Dress $0L Prize #06
Shoes: Frilled Stiletto Shoes (slink only) $0L Prize #08

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Pandora - gingers ($50L Discount Area)
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. V2 Zahra Tan
Eyes: * Inkheart * - Tender Eyes - Midnight (M)
Nails: Slink Utilities HUD
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual/Elegant 1
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Deluxe Pack

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