
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

More Halloween Hunt Nails

Hiya everyone! Tonight is a part 2 post, several more gorgeous nails from Hello Dave and their terrific Halloween Hunt on the sim below their main store. I do recommend stopping by the main store and clicking a sandwich board (several scattered about the store have the same notecard) for the LM and first hint you need on your journey through the lovely seasonally decorated hunt area. There are 13 prizes to find, each a nail HUD compatible with Slink and Omega, creatively crafted to match the Halloween theme. Also, as I mentioned yesterday, I am wearing the other outfit included in the Marketplace gift I found for Halloween from irrISIStible.

My first set I'm showing is the Hello Dave - Love Potion No.9 hunt prize, five intriguing swirls of deep pink and purple, with dark cuticles. I can picture the softly bubbling cauldron with the multicolored sheen on the surface.

Next you can see the design of the Ouija HUD prize, whose HUD has 10 buttons rather than 5...left and right versions of each of the 5 designs so they will appear correctly on the corresponding hands. There are all the letters and numbers, Yes and No, and the planchette (the part that moves/points) is represented too. You can see that my right pinky says No, the left has a planchette on it. 

Hey, this manicure is looking back at me! Appropriately named Peek-A-Boo, this fun hunt prize features 5 different designs of various eyes, the color and number of pairs of peepers varies throughout. So fun!

Another cute find is the Spooky Friends hunt prize, which I might actually consider mixing with the HUD in the previous picture in the future for a real mishmash of Halloween cuteness. This HUD has some seasonal cuties to decorate your nails and ensure that you won't be lonely. 

My last look of the evening is that whimsical outfit I mentioned in the beginning, the pink outfit (the other is the grey I wore for yesterday's post) from the Free Halloween 2 Colors Cute Skull Mesh Outfit marketplace gift from irrISIStible. Both have a shirt that says Cute Little Skull, the top and shorts each have plenty of mesh sizes for every body, and the matching belt has a resize script built in. Quick hair note: this is a FLF (Fifty Linden Friday) exclusive color HUD of the Marissa mesh hair from Wasabi Pills. But never fear, she is available in the store in plenty of other color HUDs and is just a fantastic style that I could not resist.

Yesterday was a tough one here, so today I am adjusting to new medication again and trying to stay positive. There are better days on the horizon, and I hope you're all having an excellent one :) Magical magpie hugs to everyone!!


Photo 1:
Nails: Hello Dave - Love Potion No.9 $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 2:
Nails: Hello Dave - Ouija $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 3:
Nails: Hello Dave - Peek-A-Boo $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 4:
Nails: Hello Dave - Spooky Friends $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 5:
Outfit: irrISIStible: Free Halloween 2 Colors Cute Skull Mesh Outfit $0L Marketplace

Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Marissa Mesh Hair - FLF Exclusive Pack
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. 2016 Kassie Tan
Eyes: * Inkheart * - Juno Eyes - Honey (M)
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual/Elegant 1
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Deluxe Pack

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