
Thursday, October 27, 2016

More Moolto Madness

Hiya everyone! There are more lovely prizes to share from the Madness Hunt 2016, and as I explained yesterday you'll need to join their free group and visit their hunt headquarters to pick up a pair of magic glasses so you can see/find those cupcakes with their big toothy grins. They are also wearing glasses, but theirs are pink and blue male and female symbols, one on each eye (yes, the cupcakes have eyes, but that works considering they also have teeth!). With your group tag and your magic glasses, you can claim all sorts of generous gifts like the ones I showed last night and the ones below, plus many others.

This first dress is perfect for Halloween, but certainly not limited to it. If you like what you see, please head to Paisley Daisy and find this Day of the Dead dress in their cupcake. It comes in 8 fitmesh sizes including Belleza, Maitreya, and Slink so it will fit your favorite curves wonderfully. I was intrigued by how most of the color seems to be in her features (chin, lips, around her eyes) rather than the makeup itself, it is an attractive effect.

Another terrific seasonal gift can be found at La Gazza Ladra, this Hell'o'Pumpkin dress. Their clothing is all original mesh creations so I'm guessing this prize is as well, and it is included in standard sizes. I love the swath of green for the wide belt that reminds me of a pumpkin's leaves, and the texturing is charming.

A little black dress is a critical part of many wardrobes, and in SL they can be like potato can never have enough! This prize from Tiffany Designs is a striking LBD called Adore Mini Dress with Appliers in Black, so it won't surprise you when I tell you that it includes both system layers and appliers for TMP, Omega, Slink, and Belleza for the top and glitch pants. The skirt consists of front and back panels, each in standard mesh sizes, and you can edit the texture offset (there's a very helpful notecard with instructions) if you need to adjust the height of the panels, as I did. Those babies were riding way too low and I was grateful for the ability to fix that.

One last look for tonight, you will really need to see this in person to appreciate it but I humbly present glimpses of Kiss of the Spider Woman 16 by Paris METRO Couture. You can see that I am surrounded by floaty flexi, as well as a spider web backpiece. The base of this stunning dress is the top and glitch pants in system layers along with appliers for Belleza, Maitreya, Omega, and Slink, and the skirt is 3 parts (left, right, and center) so I added each separately. The spider web comes in the darker version shown (hoping it would show better against my background) and a lighter shade. I have always felt like flexi was meant to move, so this beauty should be worn dancing among other things :)

Whew, what a day! After 3 times logging out and back in, I came to the realization that the inventory lost when I crashed (75% of it, including all poses and any hunt prizes I picked up prior to today) were not coming back without a fight. So I really winged it here for this post, then I spent some time researching the problem. I discovered that the only remedy was to clear cache and go somewhere quiet to let it rebuild, well I had an appointment and other things to do beforehand so I only let about 80% come back before I had to skedaddle. My next goal is to reduce that inventory's grand total so it doesn't have to take so long!! The appointment went really well and I'm feeling fairly good, just ready to relax now and enjoy time with Xan. Hope you all are having a terrific day/evening, many magical magpie hugs to each of you!!

All Prizes from the Moolto Madness Hunt:

Photo 1:
Dress: Paisley Daisy - Day of the Dead Dress $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 2:
Dress: La Gazza Ladra ~LGL~ Hell'o'Pumpkin (Jack-O-Lantern) bubble skirt dress $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 3:
Dress: Tiffany Designs *TD* Adore Mini Dress with Appliers *Black* $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 4:
Dress: Paris METRO Couture: Kiss of the Spider Woman 16 $0L Hunt Prize

Hair: Magika [01] The Wish
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Irina 2016 Tan
Lipstick: .::WoW Skins::. Melissa Lipstick 5
Eyes: * Inkheart * - Fantasy Eyes - Brown (M)
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual/Elegant 1
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Deluxe Pack

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