
Monday, November 21, 2016

Manic Monday Menstuff

Hiya everyone! There are more fantastic finds from the Menstuff Fall '16 to share tonight, so let's dive right in and see what you can find.

This one piece outfit is our free prize from BRAVURA Boite Noir, such a good find for this chilly season. It is included in standard mesh sizes, and the textures look downright snuggly with the rich knit and corduroy. I am a big fan of 3/4 length sleeves too by the way, RL as well as SL, so you can layer over them easier and so watches/bracelets do not wind up hidden or snagged.

After 3 days of displaying menswear, my boobs and I got into an argument here...this is the generous prize from Ishara Shop and it includes the open military shirt (standard, fitmesh, and TMP sizes) and jeans (standard, Adam, Aesthetic, Slink, and TMP) along with the watch and Jordey Slink male sneakers I am wearing here. I took off my mesh body to see if the shirt's included alpha would reign in my breasts a bit better, and as you can tell that didn't work out so well. They are rebellious :P

By this point they were demanding their freedom and have made even more of an appearance here, beneath this handsome Mesh Cascade Denim Jacket from the Tahoma. It is included in standard mesh sizes for male avatars, and has a great layered look with the hooded shirt beneath the denim. Even more good news, the PROMO Black Graduated Aviators sunglasses you see here are included as well. I do appreciate bonus accessories.

I left the mesh body off for this photo as well, since this striking tattoo from Roby'Style called Old School 1 comes in classic and Aesthetic versions only. This is the tattoo layer for default avatars, the applier for Aesthetic is in the blue t-shirt as well. I have seen some similar RL ink that reminds me of this style, quite timeless.

One last peek for the night, pun intended, as I slid back into my Slink Physique body and applied the prize from N.Z Creations called Maori Gang. These tattoos come in plenty of variations for many possibilities...shown here is the Slink applier full tattoo in the default (darkest) shade. The other varieties are hands only and no hands (if you are wearing just mesh hands or different creator body and hands for example, you may need both of those) in mid, light, and the darker tone I am wearing. Each comes in system layers plus appliers for Slink, Omega, and TMP. Please note that the intricate design on the hands is on the palm side as well as the back, as seen on the right, and that gap between arm and hand is apparently intentional. I was afraid I was having an applier glitch at first but I found the exact tattoo on their marketplace store and their vendor photos show it too. I deeply appreciate the cultural glimpse they have shared with us! I am also noticing that there isn't a drastic difference between with and without the body as far as size or shape goes, just the smoothness from the mesh body is quite apparent.

Today was the usual pre-holiday planning and worrying, complete with a family member bringing a date who has changed her dietary preferences since we last saw her and wants to either bring her own food or have us change the entire menu three days before feeding a dozen people. We have adjusted this for health reasons for 4 of the people already (including myself), but this is not enough warning because you changed your ideology yet again. Nothing will have hidden ingredients, we will be honest with her, but there's no time to change everything. I hope you're all having a beautiful day, magical magpie hugs to everyone!!

All Prizes from the Menstuff Fall'16 Hunt:

Photo 1:
Outfit: BRAVURA Boite Noir !BBN! Sweater and Pants Outfit Grey $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 2:
Outfit: Ishara Shop JAVI MODEL 4 $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 3:
Shirt: the Tahoma MESH Cascade Denim Jacket $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 4:
Tattoo: Roby'Style RS Old-School-1 Tattoo $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 5:
Tattoo: N.Z. Creations Maori Gang $0L Hunt Prize

Pants Photos 3/4/5: Delizio - Jeans + Applier for Maitreya + Omega (shown in Black) $0L Marketplace

Hair: Elikatira [e] Miya - Redheads
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. V2 Stella Tan
Eyes: * Inkheart * - Eternal Eyes - Malice (Size M) $0L SLF&O Group Gift
Nails: Slink Utilities HUD
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual/Elegant 1
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Deluxe Pack

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