
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Medieval Fantasy Hunt XVI

Hiya everyone! Tonight I am showing you some wonderful prizes from the Medieval Fantasy Hunt XVI, theme of Vampire Vs Demons (The Bloody Ones). This is a free gridwide hunt and you will be looking for bloody pentagrams (pentacle?) with a bat spreading its wings across it. The SLurls are all on the website rather than in the prizes, so you will want to have it open for reference. There is an example of the hunt object on each sign, which are hint givers as well. Many of the prizes are home decor, but as you will see I found a few wearable treasures as well.

This beautiful gown with separate sleeves and lovely choker are our prize from Beyond Persuasion designs. This is Juliet, and the gown comes in what I call the lucky 13 of mesh sizes (5 standard, 5 fitmesh, Belleza, Maitreya, and Slink) while the sleeves are standard mesh. The texture is such a rich, gorgeous fabric that I need to find a perfect occasion to wear this and show it off soon!

Mistique has a male prize and a female prize hiding in their pentacle, and I am actually showing you both here. The dress is called Clovia and comes in standard mesh sizes, with intriguing textures. Those eye-catching roses are not textures, look closely and you'll see those are 3D crafted from mesh and a really stunning effect. The bracelet is simply called Men's Bracelet, and I am offering a closer view of the charms adorning it. I admit I am not familiar with the design, but I am curious about it.

Another stunner in black and red can be found in the prize at Tayren's Fantasy Fashions. The female gift there is TFF Angel-Demon Female, guess what the male version is named? :) This consists of the toga in standard mesh sizes, the horns and separate thorn halo (I like them together because I'm amused by the saying about the horns only being there to hold up the halo!) and those amazing wings. Not seen are the tail that was swishing back and forth so decided to hide when I snapped the photo, and black hair with a system layer hairbase. I kept my own hair since there is the joke about gingers having no souls anyway.

This post just took an interesting turn, hehe, as I could not find a suitable way to share this amazing tattoo set without clothing hiding the details I wanted you to see. Instead I had to do a bit of censoring, I hope it covers enough. This is our prize from Fallen Gods Inc. named Thorns, and comes in system layers along with Omega HUDs in black or white/tintable, each 40% and 70% along with full 100% darkness. This is the 70% black shown. I didn't realize until too late that the tattoo extends to the face as well, I was just using the applier on my body for this photo. You can wear whichever areas you choose, this is versatile as well as beautiful.

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, well I am enjoying some window dressing courtesy of La Boheme. These are their [LB Eyes] Spellcraft, and the prize consists of a generous 10 colors in system and mesh versions, and the mesh have an additional version with materials enabled. Up top we have Indigo Iris and Bistre, the middle you can see Sterling and Rackley, and on the bottom is Terra Cotta and Cadet Blue. Not shown but included are Beaver Earthy, Carolina Blue, Ginger, and Prussian Blue. If you look very closely, you will see a magic circle with runes and other symbols. They are certainly worth a close look.

Well it is time for the credits, first just another wish for a decent day/evening, and magical magpie hugs to each of you!!

All Prizes from the Medieval Fantasy Hunt XVI:

Photo 1:
Dress: Beyond Persuasion BPd Come walk the night with me: Juliet $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 2:
Dress: Mistique- Clovia hunt $0L Hunt Prize
Bracelet: Mistique- Men's bracelet $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 3:
Outfit: Tayren's Fantasy Fashions TFF Angel-Demon Female MFH XVI Gift $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 4:
Tattoos: Thorns + Fallen Gods Inc. + 70% Black $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 5:
Eyes: La Boheme [LB Eyes] Spellcraft $0L Hunt Prize

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Deja - gingers (VIP Group Gift)
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. 2016 Selia Milk
Nails: Slink Utilities HUD
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual/Elegant 1
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Deluxe Pack

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