
Thursday, January 26, 2017

Treats by Kamiri

Hiya everyone! Tonight I have a lovely variety of gifts from Kamiri, for various groups including their own store group. I have mentioned and blogged gifts from all the groups in question before, and they are each free to join so I'm hoping you either have the room or already have your group tag to claim these generous gifts. The groups besides the store one are SLF&O, MGSN (Maitreya Gifts, Sales, and News) and Fitmesh Fanatics. Wonderful gifts available at so many stores for each group, and there is some overlap as with Kamiri so if you can spare the group slots I really do highly recommend (without being affiliated in any way other than simple group member) any and all of these groups. All these gifts are on the same wall, upstairs near the lucky chairs.

This is the beautiful Adelina Dress & Shawl in Teal, their gift for the MGSN group and as such, is catered towards the Maitreya body wearers specifically. The dress comes in two Maitreya versions, one with built in auto-hider, and the shawl is in standard mesh sizes. The dress looks just as pretty without as with the shawl, so it's entirely up to you how you wish to wear it. Those sequined patterns on the texture are such a fun touch!

Our gift for the SLF&O group is this Gina Long Dress B/W with Appliers, and the foundation of the dress comes in system layers along with appliers for Slink, Maitreya, Omega, KL Lena, [BANNED], Belleza, and WowMeh. The skirt and frilly belt each have a regular version and a mod version which has a resize script built in. The floral pattern is very elegant in its simple monochrome.

For the Fitmesh Fanatics group, we have the Ginger Dress Teal & Violet, each color being provided by a HUD and with a slightly different floral texture as you can see. The dress itself comes in what I call the lucky 13 of mesh sizes (5 standard, 5 fitmesh, Belleza, Maitreya, Slink) so this beauty is suitable for just about every shape and size. I am very fond of both colors so my toughest decision each time I wear it will be between the deep purple and the bright teal.

Another pretty gift is for the Kamiri store group itself, one of many the group tag will gain you access to along with a set of lucky chairs and a Midnight Mania. This dress is the Alana Wool Dress Belt Shawl Tan, and the name sums it up well. In addition to the tube dress in several mesh sizes (standard, Maitreya, Maitreya Auto-hide, Slink, Flow, TMP) it also includes the shawl in standard mesh sizes and the matching belt with a resize script. Wear all the parts, wear just the dress, find the combination that matches your mood :) I enjoy versatility, and this outfit has it.

One last look of the evening, this is another Kamiri group gift called Maddalena Body Suit and it comes in system layers along with a TMP applier and a multi-HUD for Omega, Slink, Maitreya, and Belleza. In an interesting side note, I found in my inventory a prior MSGN group gift that was also named Maddalena but was a pair of skirts, and they exactly match this body suit so if you had picked those up (I did blog them in late November) you could layer one over this bodysuit for a playful bonus look. 

I am running a bit late tonight, things got confusing while trying to coordinate weekend plans with 3 other people at once, each in a separate chain of messages. I felt the pressure of accommodating various dietary restraints including my own, while picking a restaurant for my birthday celebration for Sunday. Those involved meant no harm of course, and didn't realize I was becoming more and more frazzled by the minute. One person needs gluten free options (for a legitimate sensitivity confirmed by 2 doctors and lots of testing) and I have to avoid practically everything else, LOL, so it was a tough challenge. My browser history for the past few days looks like I either have a food fetish or a very strange eating disorder, or I am planning to visit every eatery in a 20 mile radius. Oh well :) I hope you are all enjoying your day/evening, magical magpie hugs to everyone!!

All Gifts from Kamiri:

Photo 1:
Dress: + Kamiri + Adelina Dress & Shawl Teal $0L MGSN Group Gift

Photo 2:
Dress: *+. Kamiri .+* Gina Long Dress B/W/Appliers $0L SLF&O Group Gift

Photo 3:
Dress: + Kamiri + Ginger Dress Teal + Violet $0L Fitmesh Fanatics Group Gift

Photo 4:
Dress: + Kamiri + Alana Wool Dress Belt Shawl Tan $0L Group Gift

Photo 5:
Outfit: + Kamiri + Maddalena Bodysuit $0L Group Gift

Hair: TRUTH HAIR - Sugar - gingers (VIP Group Gift)
Eyes: * Inkheart * - Seth Eyes - Gold (Size M)
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Ana Tan (V2)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual/Elegant 1
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Deluxe Pack

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