
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Another Visit to Brii Underground

Hiya everyone! Tonight is my third of 4 posts on the current in-store hunt at Brii Underground called Country Girl Hunt, as well as showing you some of their generous group gifts. The hunt includes 10 prizes at $1L each, hidden inside tiny brown horses which are hidden in several sections of the store, with a hint notecard available by clicking the sign where you land. Don't forget to check upstairs as well as the main floor, and while exploring every nook and cranny of this lovely store you will want to keep an eye out for group gifts that are in several different locations throughout. Their group is free to join, and the designer is very generous with the gifts and these hunts, I saw that there is another dollarbie hunt coming up next month which should be fun too :) Besides, getting a full outfit with clothing, accessories, shoes, and makeup is quite a treat at just $1L or free in the case of the group gifts.

I really like the summery casual look of this first outfit, from prize #7 called Luciola Country Style Complet Outfit. The tied sleeveless shirt comes in standard mesh sizes while the cute denim shorts are in what I call the lucky 13 mesh sizes (5 standard, 5 fitmesh, Belleza, Maitreya, Slink), and the hat has a built in resize script which I definitely needed. The matching boots are included too, no special mesh feet needed, and even the makeup I am wearing is provided in this gift as a system layer and an Omega applier. So many nice details, like the matching band on the hat and the little cowgirl hat and boots image on the front pocket.

Our next look is very sexy rather than casual, the prize from horse #8 called Luna Country Style Complet Outfit. It is a mix of mesh and system/applier pieces, as the shirt and tiny shorts each come in standard mesh sizes, while the bra and pantyhose are system layers and Omega, Maitreya, and Slink appliers. The makeup I'm wearing is in a system layer as well as an Omega applier, and the hat (with resize script) and sunglasses are part of this gift too. Even the booties for Slink High are provided, so we are literally ready from head to toe for a nice night out.

Sometimes I like to really switch gears, and I would say I have accomplished that here ;) This is a group gift, called Carmelia Hippie Style Complet Outfit, and is a great example of how many different themes of clothing to be found at Brii Underground. This fun look starts with the dress in standard mesh sizes, and also includes the headband, hippie glasses, necklace, earrings, ring, and sandals for Slink Flat feet. In case you can't see the jewelry quite well enough, they are each a heart shaped peace symbol. Also included but not shown, makeup in system layer only, but I found it an interesting contrast to see the skin I'm wearing with very little makeup, compared to the other photos with their bold makeup looks from our prizes and gifts.

Another striking group gift is this Lissandra Urban Style Complet Outfit, with a parka, bra, and shorts each in standard mesh sizes, complemented by plenty of accessories too. The choker and earrings are included, as well as the boots for classic feet and the stockings in system layers as well as Maitreya, Omega, and Slink appliers. Let's not forget we have another vibrant makeup look in a system layer as well as an Omega applier. You may have noticed that I look like there is more light on my face than the other photos, our parka seems to have a facelight or body light built in which is providing that extra glow.

My last look of the evening is another group gift and a terrific choice for your next big night out. It is called Lucien Loisirs Style Complet Outfit, and has some impressive details. The dress is included in a bevy of fitmesh sizes: standard, Belleza Freya, Belleza Isis, Belleza Venus, eBody, Maitreya, Slink Hourglass, Slink Physique, TMP, Tonic Curvy, and Tonic Fine. The scarf (etole) comes in standard mesh sizes, and the shoes are for Slink High feet. The makeup here is included in a system layer plus an Omega HUD, and the tattoo on my leg comes in system layer plus appliers for Omega, Slink, and Maitreya. I really love the way the dress is just slightly off one shoulder, and the way the makeup provides the single pop of color. Random side note: thanks to google, I now know that loisirs is French for leisure, so now my mostly unilingual self knows what to expect from that department in the store :) I am fascinated by languages so I was quite curious.

It was a much more peaceful day here than most recent ones, for which I am very grateful. Tomorrow will be another post of the final two prizes from this hunt along with a few more group gifts, then we move on to another adventure yet to be determined :) I hope you're having a wonderful day/evening, magical magpie hugs to everyone!!

All Prizes/Gifts from Brii Underground:

Photo 1:

Photo 2:

Photo 3:

Photo 4:

Photo 5:

Head: [GA.EG] Barbara Bento Mesh Head
Hair: TRUTH HAIR - Kare Redhead (May VIP Group Gift)
Eyes: * Inkheart * - Uran Eyes - Deep Sea $1L Peace by Peace 1 Hunt Prize
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. GG Sept. Angy MILK 2016 (Omega HUD)
Nails: Slink Utilities HUD
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual (UPDATED 3/8/2017 to Dynamic/Bento)
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Deluxe Pack
All Poses: Verocity (various sets)

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