
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

More Dulce Secrets

Hiya everyone! Tonight is a part two, so I hope you tuned in for the first half yesterday, of the Free Dove mini hunt from Dulce Secrets. Their fun Blooming Summer Hunt takes place partly at Free Dove and partly at the Dulce Secrets mainstore, and all of tonight's gifts are found in the variety of flowers (all flat prim, transparent backgrounds) at Dulce Secrets. There are some beautiful skins and a few pairs of eyes, so it is an excellent opportunity to try a new look without hurting your budget. You just need the Free Dove group tag active and some patience to explore and find the pretty flowers.

First of all, I will start off with the lingerie I am wearing in all these photos, which is a Free Dove Gift from DanemarkZ and found in that section at Free Dove. It is called DMZ - Princess Lingerie #5 For Free Dove, and includes system layers and an Omega HUD. It beautifully covers what I need it to, while showing you a good look at the skins from the hunt. The skin I am revealing here is prize #06 called ::DS:: Jade Cardamom, and there are plenty of options for classic and mesh avatars. The system skins have natural cleavage or pushup cleavage, with layers for brows (brown, blonde, or black), moles, and freckles, and there are head appliers for Catwa, Lelutka, and Omega with the same brow options and body appliers for Belleza, Maitreya, Omega, and Slink with the natural or pushup cleavage versions. The eyes I am wearing are prize #09 in the hunt, ::DS:: Summer Nights Green Eyes, which are included in system, mesh, Catwa and Lelutka appliers.

Another skin tone you will find among the hunt prizes is from flower #07, DS Jade Chai, which comes in the same system and applier options as the previous photo's skin. I decided to show you the front and rear views here so you can get a good look at the shading. Also I am wearing the pushup cleavage option here, and it certainly does make a difference compared to that first photo. If you have a sheer or low cut shirt and you want to highlight your décolletage without actually increasing your breast size or wearing additional mesh breasts, this choice will give your twins a boost :) 

Here is a closer view of the Jade Chai face, as well as another pair of stunning eyes called DS Summer Nights Brown Eyes. They have some flecks of brown but look mostly green to me, more of a hazel maybe, very attractive. They are from prize #10 at Dulce Secrets, hiding inside a flower there. The skin is a very clean look, these are the brown brows and the makeup is minimal so you can add your own favorites or keep things simple.

Flower #008 holds another skin, DS Jade Honeycomb, which I am wearing with brown brows and natural cleavage. The system and mesh applier offerings are the same as the others in tonight's post, all such appealing choices and once you find all these prizes, you can experiment and see what shade suits you best. 

One last peek of the evening, this is prize #11 called Summer Nights Blue Eyes, and they are included in system and mesh plus Catwa and Lelutka appliers. These also seem to have a ring of green in the center, while the blue is towards the outside, a fantastic combination. You can also get a better look at the Jade Honeycomb face, whose lips really suit my GA.EG Barbara head nicely.

It was a full day, with a doctor appointment and a visit to the acute care center (I think that's the terminology they use) where my grandmother is still slowly recuperating from her stroke. It is hard for me to tell if she's making progress, honestly, but I remain optimistic as usual. I hope you are all enjoying your day/evening, magical magpie hugs to each of you!!

All Hunt Prizes from Dulce Secrets:

Photo 1:
Lingerie: DanemarkZ DMZ - Princess Lingerie #5 - for Free Dove $0L Free Dove Gift
Skin: Dulce Secrets ::DS:: Jade Cardamom $0L Free Dove Hunt
Eyes: ::DS:: Summer Nights Green Eyes $0L Free Dove Hunt

Photo 2:
Skin: ::DS:: Jade Chai $0L Free Dove Hunt

Photo 3:
Eyes: ::DS:: Summer Nights Brown Eyes $0L Free Dove Hunt

Photo 4:
Skin: ::DS:: Jade Honeycomb $0L Free Dove Hunt

Photo 5:
Eyes: ::DS:: Summer Nights Blue Eyes $0L Free Dove Hunt

Head: [GA.EG] Barbara Bento Mesh Head
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Zoya - Gingers (March VIP Group Gift)
Ring: (BENTO)~~Ysoral ~~ .:Luxe Ring Lyanna 4:. (Marketplace)
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body
Nails: Slink Utilities HUD
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual (UPDATED 3/8/2017 to Dynamic/Bento)
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Deluxe Pack
All Poses: Verocity (various sets)

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