
Friday, July 14, 2017

More Hair Fair Beauties

Hiya everyone! Tonight I have gifts to share from another sim of the Hair Fair 2017, this time from the Brunette sim. As I have mentioned the past two nights, this wonderful event showcases new hairstyles from a wide range of designers, and each purchase has a designated percentage (15% to 100%, each labeled) donated to the Wigs for Kids charity. We get to help real life children in need, while updating our inventory a bit with a fresh hairstyle. There are donation kiosks if you prefer to donate directly instead of buying or want to throw in a little extra after a purchase. Some of the designers are thoughtfully offering free or $1L gifts for visitors, and that is what you will be seeing here tonight, like the last two posts. I have so much fun showing you these creative looks, and breaking out of my own hair rut! Now I can't very well show you these without wearing some clothing, LOL, so I picked out a dollarbie hunt prize to wear and will give all the juicy details at the end.

My first hair is our gift from ICONIC and is a fatpack with an array of HUDs for plenty of colors as well as a style changer. The color sets include Bombshells, Brunettes, Obsidians, Tonal, Vamps, and Total, and the style HUD offers two slightly different positions for the sides, one is pulled back from the ears and jawline a bit. There are also appliers for hairbases included for Catwa and Lelutka.

This fun burst of curls is our gift from EMO-tions called JOINY in dark brown, and you can see from both views that it has flexi for added movement. They have provided a hairbase for system heads, however I used the base from my GA.EG Barbara head's included HUD which worked out just right.

Sintiklia has a sleek bob as their gift for us, called Lida, in two different colors and each in Bento rigged, resize, and rigged versions. On the left is latteroots, on the right violetblack, and I have gone with the resize versions so a simple click let me enlarge them to fit my head. 

For our final look of the evening, we have a very generous gift from Gorgeous Dolls which includes hair and nails with rings. The hair is ~GD~ Jo Fatpack and includes color HUDs called Brazilian Bundles (one is on the left), Natural w/roots (middle) and Sweet Glamour w/roots (right). The nails are called ~GD~ French Tips/Ringed (Baddie Claws) and there are sets for Slink Dynamic, Maitreya Bento, and Vista Bento included. Each set consists of the nails, delicate doll rings, and a HUD with 14 nail shades and 12 metal colors. In the inset I chose one of the few that is not a simple French style, and you can get a better idea of the shape and length of those curved claws. It is also high time I explained my versatile outfit :) It is the Beached Bunny 7 Hunt prize from Adri's King called Outfit Fable, and a single linden when you find the blue beach pail will get you this outfit in sizes for Freya, Isis, Venus, Slink Hourglass, Slink Physique, Maitreya, Tonic Curvy, and Tonic Fine, along with a HUD that offers 12 textures (solids and prints, as seen in tonight's various photos) and 4 choices for the jeans, each a great denim shade. 

We are having a heat wave here and the sun setting did not cool things off much at all. However I do have a really exciting weekend planned so I'm in a very good mood :) My best friend of 20+ years is coming to visit on Saturday and attending two farmers' markets with me, and as a bonus another friend is staying the entire weekend so I will be very happily busy. I have one more sim of Hair Fair gifts to share, then I might take a brief break from blogging to be able to spend more time with them. I hope you're all having a terrific day/evening, magical magpie hugs to everyone!!

All Gifts from Hair Fair 2017 - Brunettes Sim:

Photo 1:
Hair: ICONIC:HF GIFT 2017:PACK $0L Hair Fair Gift

Photo 2:
Hair: .:EMO-tions:. *JOINY* - darkbrown $0L Hair Fair Gift

Photo 3:
Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Lida GIFT $0L Hair Fair Gift

Photo 4:
Hair: Gorgeous Dolls ~GD~ Jo - Hair FATPACK $0L Hair Fair Gift
Outfit: Adri's King ::AK:: Outfit Fable $1L Beached Bunny 7 Hunt Prize

Head: [GA.EG] Barbara Bento Mesh Head
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Barbara Tan (Omega head/body) July Group Gift
Eyes: * Inkheart * - Amal Eyes - Wood $0L SLF&O Group Gift
Ring: (BENTO)~~Ysoral ~~ .:Luxe Ring Lyanna 4:. (Marketplace)
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body
Nails: Slink Utilities HUD
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual (UPDATED 3/8/2017 to Dynamic/Bento)
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Deluxe Pack
All Poses: Verocity (various sets)

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