
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Christmasfy Your Body

Hiya everyone! Tonight I am switching gears to a different gridwide hunt, the Christmasfy Your Body Hunt, for the sake of variety and to ensure that all of you find out about it before it ends, December 31st. This one is relatively small, 18 stores but a couple are skips (I checked a few of those skips, sometimes by accident, and found them to be ready to go though) and you are searching for flat prim images of a decorated tree. Their website has a picture of it, with its gold star on top and a few pretty presents wrapped up beneath. Just find each one, set for sale for $0L, and you can claim these generous prizes just in time for the holiday season.

We start out tonight with the first stop in the hunt, Sevyn East, and their beautiful CYB Hunt Dress. It comes in sizes for Belleza Freya, Isis, Venus, eBody, Maitreya, Slink Hourglass, Slink Physique, and a Standard Classic version, as well as the scarf I am wearing on the right. They both have useful HUDs provided too, 6 bow colors for the scarf and 6 textures plus 6 belt colors for the dress. If you've visited my blog before, you probably already know how I feel about HUDs and the versatility they provide ♥.

The next treat waiting inside a tree for us is this Xmas Believe top by <TrAsHeD>. Find that hidden tree and you will claim this in standard fitmesh sizes plus Belleza Freya, Isis, Venus, Maitreya, Hourglass, Physique, and TMP versions. The bare shoulder style is so pretty, and the graphic on the front is a fun tribute to the season.

This time of year, plaid prints remind me of soft and warm flannel pajamas or jackets, kind of a warm and fuzzy feeling. The prize from Waffles might inspire a different type of warm feeling, and would be fun to wear while snuggling! It is called *WW* Christmas BlueGreen Tartan Sissela Blouse, and comes in standard mesh sizes along with Freya, Isis, Venus, Maitreya, Hourglass, Physique, and TMP. There is also an Omega HUD included for the bra beneath, but you can certainly wear any bra or tee under this if you aren't wearing an Omega compatible mesh body. There is a mens prize included too, so you can mention that to encourage your favorite guy to help you with your hunting.

This alluring number is our prize from Grumble, their GG Lacey Mini Dress Red. Now this gift is an Omega applier only, so you will need to have a compatible mesh body to wear this one. I decided to do a little bit of censoring here, so please note that those black flowers are not part of the dress, I added them myself since I realized I was having some show-through that was sexy but not family-friendly. This dress is loaded with zippers, down the front and up the side, and even in the straps, and the red satin looks terrific with lace topping.

My last look of the evening can be found inside the tree at #bye, whose name stands for Best You Ever which I mention because I find it inspiring :) The gift is named Sparkle and has been generously decorated with some lovely gemstones, ready for your next night out. It includes standard sizes as well as Freya, Isis, Venus, Maitreya, Hourglass, Physique, and TMP versions. As you can see from the rear view, it is notably short, so I plan on double checking that I am wearing appropriate undies before leaving the house in this one. Most of my destinations would appreciate it, I'm sure.

My hair is freshly trimmed and colored, so I am more ready for the holiday but at the moment I smell like chemicals. I still can't believe I got an appointment this close to Christmas, but it was fun and I may have nibbled on a cookie or two while the hair color did its thing :) It will be a busy day again tomorrow, as with all of the foreseeable future for me, but I'll be posting as often as I can. Magical magpie hugs to everyone, and I hope you're all having a great week so far!!

All Prizes from Christmasfy Your Body Hunt:

Photo 1:
Dress: SEVYN EAST CYB HUNT Dress $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 2:
Top: <TrAsHeD> xmas believe top $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 3:
Top: Waffles *WW* Christmas BlueGreen Tartan Sissela Blouse $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 4:
Dress: Grumble GG Lacey Mini Dress Red $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 5:
Dress: #bye Sparkle $0L Hunt Prize

Pants Photos 2&3: Delizio - Jeans + Applier for Maitreya + Omega (shown in Light Blue) $0L Marketplace

Head: [GA.EG] Barbara Bento Mesh Head
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Farryn - Redheads @Uber event
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - Britney Cotton Candy (Omega head/body)
Eyes: 18 *Inkheart* - Urian Eyes - Soft Brown $0L Advent Gift
Ring: (BENTO)~~Ysoral ~~ .:Luxe Ring Lyanna 4:. (Marketplace)
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body
Nails: Slink Utilities HUD
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual (UPDATED 3/8/2017 to Dynamic/Bento)
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Deluxe Pack
All Poses: Verocity (various sets)

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