
Monday, January 15, 2018

Thrill of the Hunt

Hiya everyone! Tonight is another Womenstuff Hunt post, because with 100 stops there are plenty of terrific prizes to be found in hidden red t-shirts for either free or just $1L. This is one of 5 paths of the All Stuff Hunt, so be sure to check out their website for information on those other paths as well as all the hints and landmarks for the Womens stops. Most of tonight's prizes are casual, which is a nice way to unwind from your weekend.

First we have the prize from Mishmash Fusion, their Dream On Top in Red Lace. This free gift with bare shoulders and alluring laced up sleeves comes in sizes for standard, Freya, Isis, Venus, eBody, Maitreya, Hourglass, Physique, TMP, Tonic Curvy, and Tonic Fine. The vibrant color adds to the appeal. Just find that hidden shirt and it's all yours!

Stone Militaria is offering a fatpack as their free prize for this hunt, from which I am wearing the SMS Mesh Polo Shirt (f) ARMY on the left, and NAVY on the right. There are also Air Force, Coast Guard, and 2 Marines styles included. Each comes in standard mesh sizes plus Freya, Isis, Venus, eBody, Maitreya, Slink Hourglass, Slink Physique, TMP, Tonic Curvy, and Tonic Fine sizes. While I support all military personnel, I chose the ones I did because my grandfather and father were in the Army and my high school boyfriend went into the Navy when he graduated the year before I did. Random facts about myself I guess, since usually I choose randomly but this time I did so in honor/memory of real life people.

WinTeRwooD Designs has something cozy with a bit of edge waiting for you in their free t-shirt, this Skullz Puffy Jacket which is a hunt exclusive. There are sizes included for Belleza Freya, Isis, Venus, eBody, Maitreya, Ocacin, Slink Hourglass, Slink Physique, TMP, Tonic Curvy, Tonic Fine, and standard fitmesh sizes. Also provided is a handy HUD with 2 jacket colors as well as 3 colors for the shirt beneath, and even a no shirt option as seen on the right. 

I greatly appreciate clothing with a sense of humor, and this 2017 Survival Tee from REVOLUTION fits that bill to a tee ;) Inside their free red shirt, you will find this clever top in standard mesh sizes plus Freya, Isis, Venus, Maitreya, Hourglass, Physique, TMP, Tonic Curvy, and Tonic Fine. 

I am wrapping up tonight's post with something less casual, the Whitney Mesh Dress from Her Couture. It is versatile as well as pretty, provided in standard mesh sizes along with Belleza Freya, Isis, Venus, eBody, Maitreya, Hourglass, Physique, TMP, Tonic Curvy, and Tonic Fine, with a HUD that offers 8 color choices. That zipper down the front, open just enough to reveal a glimpse of cleavage, is quite an eye-catching detail.

I hope you are all having a wonderful day/evening, magical magpie hugs to each of you!!

All Prizes from the Womenstuff Hunt:

Photo 1:
Top: Mishmash Fusion ~*MF*~ Dream On Top - Red Lace $0L WS Hunt Prize

Photo 2:
Top Left: Stone Militaria SMS Mesh Polo Shirt (f) - ARMY $0L WS Hunt Prize
Top Right: SMS Mesh Polo Shirt (f) - NAVY  $0L WS Hunt Prize

Photo 3:
Top: .:WinTeRwooD Designs:. Skullz Puffy Jacket $0L WS Hunt Prize

Photo 4:
Top: REVOLUTION - 2017 Survival Tee $0L WS Hunt Prize

Photo 5:

Pants Photos 1-4: Delizio - Jeans + Applier for Maitreya + Omega (shown in Black) $0L Marketplace

Head: [GA.EG] Barbara Bento Mesh Head
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Farryn - Redhead 
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Moon Group gift Gen 2018 Tan (Omega head/body)
Eyes: *Inkheart* - Soul Eyes - Paradise
Ring: (BENTO)~~Ysoral ~~ .:Luxe Ring Lyanna 4:. (Marketplace)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Nails: Slink Utilities HUD
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual (UPDATED 3/8/2017 to Dynamic/Bento)
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Deluxe Pack
All Poses: Verocity (various sets)

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