
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

DAZZLE and Free Dove

Hiya everyone! With a new month comes new hunts and events, so tonight I delve into one of the Free Dove mini hunts for October. It is by ~Mani Pedi~ and features 10 wonderful nail palettes, all hiding in black boxes with the store's cat eyes logo (panther?) on a black background. 6 are at Free Dove, while the other 4 are at the mainstore of ~Mani Pedi~, so you get to explore both places with your Free Dove group tag active (free to join) to claim all these goodies. I am also excited to share a selection from DAZZLE, the exclusive offer from anny's Fashion for the October round. The theme for this month is Black Cat - Enchanted Masquerade, so it is fascinating to see how the various designers have represented that idea in their selections. 

The exclusive DAZZLE offer from anny's Fashion is their beautiful [AF] Junie Lace Dress, which is just $165L until the 25th of the month. The dress is included in standard mesh sizes plus eBody, Freya, Isis, Venus, Maitreya, Ocacin, TMP, Tonic Curvy, and Tonic Fine versions. There is also a HUD that lets you choose from 6 different textures, two of which are shown above and all various black and tan lace designs. The slender belt is built in and really accentuates the off-the-shoulder styling.

Next we visit the Free Dove, where we explore to find the hidden boxes from ~Mani Pedi~. The first one holds this gorgeous ~Mani Pedi~ Bento Box - Just the Whitez too! set, 4 selections each on appliers for Maitreya, Omega, and Slink. There are two solids that look like pure satin, and the gold tipped one is a true classic. The soft floral looks amazing with a white edge, and all will flatter just about any skin tone.

Prize #2 is another set of 4 designs called Bento Box - Just the Redz too! because as you can see, there are delightful shades of crimson in these gifts. As with all of the hunt prizes, this contains applier HUDs for Maitreya, Omega, and Slink, and there is a nice variety of looks from this set. The gilded edge and the fun plaid caught my eye first, but the others are just right for livening up a simple black dress or even a comfy pair of jeans.

The next prize is called Bento Box - Just the Pinkz too! and there are some vivid shades to be found among these four designs. I love how two of them have chocolaty undertones, and the other two pop with how bright they are.

My final look of the evening is ~Mani Pedi~ Bento Box - Just the Greenz too! which is prize #4 in the mini hunt. We have another gold tipped choice here, and a tartan that I don't plan on waiting for St. Patrick's Day to enjoy, among the quad of design choices. The same three HUDs are provided: Maitreya, Omega, and Slink, for your most popular mesh hand needs. Even if you don't care for mesh bodies, there is something so impressive about mesh hands and what an improvement over the default avatar...bento animations for mesh fingers have made them even better, so I will never regret the investment.

I am off to quite a late start tonight, just a case of running behind and being distracted by a bevy of random things. They weren't bad things, I just feel guilty for being so slow. That just reminded me of something from grade school and gave me a giggle...I had a plain white folder that my best friend decided to decorate with as many expressions (back then found on bumper stickers and pins for denim jackets) as she could think of, and one that always stuck with me was "If you don't feel guilty, it wasn't good". She would often quote it, but probably rarely felt genuine remorse ;) I think we have all either had one of those friends, or maybe were that friend? It keeps life interesting. I hope you're all having an awesome day/evening, many magical magpie hugs to everyone!!

All Hunt Prizes from Free Dove ~Mani Pedi~:

Photo 1:
Dress: anny's Fashion [AF] Junie Lace Dress $165L DAZZLE Exclusive

Photo 2:
Nails: ~Mani Pedi~ Bento Box - Just the Whitez too! $0L Free Dove Hunt

Photo 3:
Nails: ~Mani Pedi~ Bento Box - Just the Redz too! $0L Free Dove Hunt

Photo 4:
Nails: ~Mani Pedi~ Bento Box - Just the Pinkz too! $0L Free Dove Hunt

Photo 5:
Nails: ~Mani Pedi~ Bento Box - Just the Greenz too! $0L Free Dove Hunt

Head: [GA.EG] Barbara Bento Mesh Head
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Char - Redhead (former VIP group gift)
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - October gg/18 dew (Omega head/body)
Eyes: Angel Eyes [AE] Spring Eyes Brownies $0L Free Dove Gift
Ring: (BENTO)~~Ysoral ~~ .:Luxe Ring Lyanna 4:. (Marketplace)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual (UPDATED 3/8/2017 to Dynamic/Bento)
Nails: Slink Utilities HUD
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Deluxe Pack
All Poses: Verocity (various sets)

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