
Monday, February 5, 2024

Shop and Hop is Gleaming

 Hiya everyone! Tonight I'm very excited to share some gifts from the Valentine Shop & Hop 2024. Every round of these beautifully decorated and organized shopping events brings such joy, and all 280 designers (14 full regions!) have discounted offers and free gifts for us to enjoy. For the Valentine round, we have until the 19th to explore and find all the treats we wish to show ourselves some love ♥. It's not overly mushy and the offers are not all strictly lovey-dovey, so if you are not a fan of the holiday you can still most likely find plenty to tempt you. I'm all about love of friends, family, nature, and yes I am a fan of romantic love too because I have a special someone in my life. As usual with Shop & Hops, I'm taking it one region at a time, so tonight's looks are all found at Gleaming

My first look of the evening combines two generous gifts for a fun outfit. The top is our Carol's Store- Valentines Shop & Hop Gift, which says "Happy Valentine's Day" beneath a cleavage-baring opening. There are sizes for Erika, Gen X Classic, Gen X Curvy, Lara X, Lara X Petite, Legacy, Maitreya, Momma, and Reborn mesh bodies provided for a very wide range :) I really like the idea of pairing it with the KILLJOY Fiesty Skirt, which of course is another irresistible gift. The flattering miniskirt fits Lara X, Legacy, Reborn, and Juicy Rolls bodies, with a handy HUD offering 3 leather textures and 3 latex plus 5 zipper colors. Pink and red aren't a common combination except this time of year, which is a shame because I am a fan of the combo :) The red on the left above is leather, with the even shinier pink being latex. When I checked all the gifts I wanted to share tonight, the common size amongst them was not Maitreya 5.3 for once but actually Legacy, so body switch!

On A Lark has on offer the lovely *OAL* Elaine ~ Berry as their gift for all visitors. This layered flouncy dress has slender straps and deep neckline, with a bold belt tied around the waist that trails down the front beautifully. There are sizes for Belleza Classic/Dainty, Belleza Curvy/Dainty, Erika, Kupra, Legacy, Perky, Maitreya, Petite, Lara X, Petite, Reborn, and Waifu mesh bodies. Two HUDs are provided as well, with the dress HUD offering 3 textures (solid, stars, swirls) each for the dress and belt. Then the separate belt HUD lets you choose from 16 different colors each in those same three textures, and I apparently brainfarted and shared the same color twice instead of picking a different hue on the right, sorry about that. I sometimes get a little distracted by clicking all the various buttons, LOL!

I chuckled at the gift from The Annex, which is their Reese Hoodie - Black Stripe - ANTI. The length is just enough to cover our booty, so I'll probably layer some jeans beneath for wearing most places. The bold black and white striped sleeves are a fun touch, but the humorous part would be that image on the front which says "dear Cupid, just bring Something Strong" surrounding 3 bottles of adult beverages. That's just in case Cupid gets confused and wants to bring you a strong human instead I guess, but you'd prefer a good stiff drink. You can enjoy this playful hoodie in Legacy, Maitreya, and Reborn sizes, all entirely for free. 

Next a look that is distinctly pro-romance, the TS-Gown-Dee which is the female portion of the Tori's Stylez gift. Yes, that does mean there is a well-coordinated male outfit in there, a tux in black with pink trim/cummerbund, but I'm here to show off the gorgeous gown ♥. We are wrapped in romantic pink satin in a mermaid style that hugs the booty then flows outward, and the sweetheart neckline is low to show off the girls ;) I think this will help us stand out in a crowd that is probably going to be wearing mostly red or black, don't you?

One last look for the evening, this is actually 3 different gifts from the several available at the Tea Lane display. Their ~TL~ Conversation Hearts Tank Top looks perfect with either the ~TL~ Conversation Hearts BoM Leggings I'm wearing on the left above, or the ~TL~ Conversation Hearts BoM Skinny Jeans seen to the right. Both pairs of pants include two different system/BOM layers, while the tank top comes in 4 male mesh body sizes along with Altamura, Freya, Gen X Classic, Gen X Curvy, eBody Reborn, Waifu, Legacy, Perky, Maitreya, Flat, Petite, Lara X, Lara X Petite, Rebirth, Rebirth Petite, Slink Hourglass, and a classic female size. Whew! The conversation hearts have very traditional sayings on them like I'M YOURS, SWEET PEA, CUTIE PIE, XOXO, etc. etc. which I do appreciate just as much as the more sarcastic ones I've seen out there :) There are a few other treats waiting from the generous Tea Lane too, so look out for all the single image signs between their sales displays. 

It was a typical weekend for me I guess, with ups and downs thanks to the anxiety, but I had a deep heart-to-heart with the therapist today and we are resetting some of our plans to start over with the smaller exposures but repeated more often to get my brain used to it. He was surprised but relieved that the family doc finally got back to me, and I am feeling the odd effects of the medication increase right now but that should only be for a few more days. Well, in a few days I go from 75 mg to 100 mg so another few days of weirdness, lol, but since the initial 50 mg did the same thing I knew what to expect and that it will calm down sooner or later. A couple weeks later I'll decide if the increased dose is better for me overall, and we will take it from there. I'm not opposed to pharmaceuticals in general, and know that some are downright miraculous for people, it's just that I have had some bad experiences and tend to be cautious with changes. Otherwise my weekend was full of NHL all star stuff and Paleo Pines, as I realize how few dinosaur species I was able to recognize before this game but I'm learning :) I hope you all had a nice weekend and are enjoying your day/evening, many magical magpie hugs to everyone!!

All Gifts from Shop & Hop - Gleaming Region:

Photo 1:
Top: Carol's Store- Valentines Shop & Hop Gift $0L Shop&Hop Gift
Skirt: KILLJOY Fiesty Skirt SHOP AND HOP GIFT $0L Shop&Hop Gift

Photo 2:
Dress: On A Lark *OAL* Elaine ~ Berry $0L Shop&Hop Gift

Photo 3:
Dress: The Annex - Reese Hoodie - Black Stripe - ANTI $0L Shop&Hop Gift

Photo 4:
Dress: Tori's Stylez TS-Gown-Dee $0L Shop&Hop Gift

Photo 5:
Top: Tea Lane ~TL~ Conversation Hearts Tank Top $0L Shop&Hop Gift
Pants Left: ~TL~ Conversation Hearts BoM Leggings $0L Shop&Hop Gift
Pants Right: ~TL~ Conversation Hearts BoM Skinny Jeans $0L Shop&Hop Gift

Head: LeLUTKA Fleur Head 3.1
Hair: TRUTH Puppet - Essential
Ring: {Carter} Wedding Zoe (Marketplace)
Body/Hands/Feet: [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition (1.6)
All Poses: Verocity  (Various Sets)

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