
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Searching for the Unknown

Hiya everyone! I have been working on the 2015 Unknown Hunt, which is for stores that are new for 2014 or 2015 and therefore might be unknown to many of the hunters. It's pretty exciting to explore new stores and see what they offer, you never know when you just might find the next big trend or next hottest designer. All the landmarks are on their blog, or you can join the group (I found it in search since there's no group joiner on the signs at the stores) to get a notecard of landmarks. The site has a few updates compared to the notecard though, so it's probably just as easy to stick with the blog :)

Here are a few of the prizes, the top is from Ingenious Fantasy (#17) and is an undershirt layer that comes with appliers for Omega and Slink. The skirt is from #13 Milk Tea and comes with that cute little bow as a separate attachment so it's optional and can be adjusted. The nails are from Iconic Designs, #16, and can be seen in various shades from that HUD in all my photos today.

This beautiful dress is from #14, Freak, and that's fitting because I did freak out, hehe, when I saw that fantastic texturing! :) This store definitely gets a big thumbs up from me, and I plan on visiting again for sure.

Before you start to fear that everything on this hunt is too cute, let's have a peek at the prize from +Facepalm+. They are #4 in the hunt, and you get a full outfit of mesh tank top, system layer jeans with appliers, and boots for your classic avatar feet. Nothing like being well coordinated :)

There are 2 reasons for this closeup, neither of which involves an urge to take a selfie ;) The skin in all of the photos is one of the prizes, the very first one actually, #1 by L'Anguisette Skin and Body Shoppe. This skin is a very generous prize, as it comes with just about every applier imaginable...Baby Bump, Brazilia Doll, Lola, Ghetto Booty, Banned Booty, Phat Azz, WowMeh, Loud Mouth, Lena, Ginc Perfect Bum, Omega, and Slink. Whew, that's a lot! It is a bare skin so you can have fun with adding your own favorite makeup layers, which just so happens to be the second reason for this photo. The eyeliner with the cute bows is from #11 Weaponized Sugar. I'm wearing the left and right bow liner each with lashes, and it does provide a thicker lash look to double it up like that. Each bow comes without lashes as well. Their prize also includes mesh eyes, not shown because I ran out of time to adjust them (sorry!) but they are bright hazel.

The stores in this hunt have been quite enjoyable thus far, and I hope to show you more goodies from it soon. Have a beautiful day full of magic and hugs!!

All Prizes from the 2015 Unknown Hunt:
Photo 1: Ingenious Fantasy IF - Unknown tube top (White)  $0L  Prize #17
Skirt: Milk Tea: Oh Baby! Micro Lace Mini-Pink  $0L  Prize #13

Photo 2: ->Freak<- Gypsy Summer Dress/Cardigan  $0L  Prize #14
Photo 3: +Facepalm+ Mind Blown Tank, Jeans, Tall Chucks  $0L  Prize #4
Photo 4: :{WEAPONIZED SUGAR}: Black Right-side Bow liner - with lashes & Black Left-side Bow Liner - with lashes  $0L  Prize #11
Nails in all photos: Iconic Designs Purple Rain Nails  $0L  Prize #16
Skin: L'Anguisette "Kendra" Skin Bare w/ Appliers  $0L  Prize #1

Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Honey- gingers

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