
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Still Hunting the Unknown

Hiya everyone! I have lots more goodies to share with you from The 2015 Unknown Hunt, which has its challenges like any hunt but it's definitely worth it. I hope you enjoy part 2 of my finds!

First up, we have from #33 in the hunt, Sweet Tea, this lovely dress with the crossed straps in the front and a pattern that is suitable for spring without being the traditional pastels. It has a unique flair to it that I really enjoy.

For another fun look, head on over to #29 Echo and find the colorful 2015 hunt item. You get this flirty nautical blouse with a completely bare back, and shiny denim jeans that could almost pass for leather. What a great casual outfit!

I know I've been blogging this style dress a lot lately, it's becoming extremely popular :) This is our prize from Ox Apparel, #26 in the hunt, and the slip dress is solid white. It can be worn alone or with the overlayer as shown, for a pop of pale pink.

For this elegant formal mesh dress, look no further than #27, Fission. The alluring pattern adds a beautiful touch.

Finally we have the prize from GeMyles, one of the big challenges of the I am not saying where the item is in the store, but if you follow the clues you will find a visible 2015 that can't be clicked or bought...there is a note on the blog about #34 having a problem that the item is transparent, but I'm pretty sure they meant #36 which is this one! The item you need to click is actually behind the visible one. As you can see it is worth the effort! You get this fantastic dress and the matching shoes for SLink high feet.

An important note is that I am still wearing the skin and makeup I blogged yesterday, the skin is prize #1 and the eye liner is #11. Well, stay tuned for part 3 of the Unknown Hunt prizes, and have a wonderful day in the meantime!! Hugs :)

All Prizes from the 2015 Unknown Hunt:
Photo 1: * Sweet Tea Unknown Hunt Prize  $0L  Prize #33
Photo 2: .Echo. Sea Lander Unknown Hunt Gift Demand Jeans & Spring Mesh Top $0L  Prize #29
Photo 3: .OX Apparel. TUH 2015 Windsong Dress/Overlayer  $0L  Prize #26
Photo 4: Fission- Unknown Hunt Gown  $0L  Prize #27
Photo 5: GeMyles Unknown Hunt Rebecca Slate Dress & Slink High Shoes  $0L  Prize #34
Skin: L'Anguisette "Kendra" Skin Bare w/ Appliers  $0L  Prize #1
Makeup: :{WEAPONIZED SUGAR}: Black Right-side Bow liner - with lashes & Black Left-side Bow Liner - with lashes  $0L  Prize #11

Nails: The Little Bat !TLB - Shimmer Slink Nails  $0L Guess & Win Board
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Gretchen- gingers

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