
Monday, November 30, 2015

Manicure Monday

Hiya everyone! It occurred to me that I've been mentioning various nail HUDs without showing you closer views, so tonight is a perfect chance to do so. I love that Slink hands give us the ability to do each nail individually, it made tonight's post a lot easier and allows for such flexibility and creativity. Well let's have a look, shall we?

First we have one that came in handy the past couple of days for me, the [Critter] HUD from *pulcino*. It's a lucky board prize, no group needed, and offers 10 color choices with very thin stripes of white or black (depending on the main color) down the center of each nail. This HUD only works for Slink hands and feet.

My next nail treat is a moving gift from Nail Me! and is called Fantasia. They offer 4 different designs in beautiful color combinations that remind me of foil or a more subtle version of water marbling, and you need a group tag but they are currently free to join. More good news, there are 2 other group gifts waiting for you too, so you have three fantastic reasons to hurry! :) They offer Slink and Omega HUDs for us.

I had also just picked up the weekly group gift from Hello Dave, whose frequent treats have found their way to my blog many times in the past and surely will again and again. This is Jewelled Snowfall and there are 6 different colors with delicate flakes on each, from pale green to a striking blue and even a deep red. Their HUDs are compatible with Slink and Omega.

Two gifts in one photo, we have a sample of group gifts available at LIVIA and they won't cost you a bit. The left side shows the October group gift called Electric Ombre, and I am loving the pretty colors and the glitz down the middle! The right side is a group gift for the Third Life Group, similar to the SLF&O group gifts I've blogged before in that many stores around the grid offer gifts. Great news, the LIVIA group is free to join just like the Third Life Group :) The store's group currently has 3 different gifts available, and they all come with Slink and Omega HUDs.

Finally I decided to share a better look at what I'm wearing, as it is a free treasure as well :) My outfit is from Nala Design and is a Midnight Mania gift, and while a group tag is needed to click that board, the group is free to join. The outfit includes the top and skirt in standard mesh sizes, along with the matching sandals for Slink high. I also took the opportunity to show you the sunglasses that are an accessory included with my Truth hair, which is on sale on the Marketplace as I've mentioned before for $100L for the variety pack. The sunnies come with their own HUD for color choices, so you get a HUD for them, the hair bands holding the ponytails, and the hair itself so 3 HUDs mean lots of variety.

Well, no nail or hair note tonight since I already told ya the details of each :) So now I get to start worrying about how best to get Advent calendar gifts blogged in a reasonable amount of time so you don't miss their 24-hour window for each...I don't see any compiled lists anywhere online yet, but I am going to do my best to inform you about those holiday treats when I can. Credits time, magical magpie hugs to each and every one of you!!


Photo 1:
Nails: *pulcino*: Slink Applier [Critter]  $0L Lucky Board Prize

Photo 2:

Nails: {Nail Me!} Nail Appliers - Fantasia  $0L Group Gift (Free To Join)

Photo 3:

Nails: Hello Dave VIPs - Jewelled Snowfall  $0L Group Gift (Free to Join)

Photo 4:
Nails Left: LIVIA::Electric Ombre Oct2015::GroupGift  $0L Group Gift (Free to Join)

Nails Right: LIVIA::Glitz-Aqua Nails [Slink/Omega]  $0L Third Life Group Gift (Free to Join)

Photo 5:

Outfit: Nala Design ND *Mary Lou Smile Red*  $0L Midnight Mania Gift (Free Group Needed)

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Karlie - variety  $100L Marketplace sale
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Star GG JULY Tan CL
Lips: [:T:] Parted lips {free from TULI skins} Parted lips 1  $0L Marketplace
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sinners Hunt Part 2

Hiya everyone! This is another series of glimpses at hunt prizes from the Sinner's Hunt - Envy which is ending tomorrow or maybe the 1st of December if the designers are feeling generous, since the listed ending date on the blog and signs is the nonexistent 31st of November. I would definitely hurry if I were you, just in case! :)

First we have one of the few items that is not green, hehe, this sexy dress from Vero Modero named Wild Dress Snake. This is prize #16 and includes the sleeveless mesh dress in standard sizes, along with the jacket in a system layer for the base plus prim/flexi sleeves and back. The pattern has some really pretty colors in it, bright pops among the snakeskin.

I must admit, prize #28 here from Facepalm made me giggle with nervousness, as there's no alpha layer so I am going commando *blushes*! This gorgeous fitmesh gown comes in 5 sizes, and those beautiful shoes for Slink high are included as well. I do take pleasure in the details, and that back with the many criss-crossed straps along with the texture on the front make me a happy diva ;) At least you know the fitmesh did what it should, and fits in all the right places. For public wear, I'd probably slip on nude panties and pasties for a bit of security and peace of mind.

This gown so reminds me of a beautiful tropical fish, which is probably an unusual observation but when I was a kid my family had several tanks full of beauties like fancy tailed guppies, Beta fish, killifish (one of which had these exact colors!), tetras, and much more. Anyway, this stunner is the prize from #10 Bad Fox Designs, and is quite the generous gift as it includes the top, skirt, and arm wraps each in several mesh sizes, plus the flexi attachments for each leg, a makeup layer that looks to be mainly eyeshadow, and the intriguing halo & horns. I love how the halo looks to be made of bone or maybe the same substance as nails (keratin I'm thinking) with growth rings or something, and the horns are different colors from each other. So am I more angel or devil? That's why the shrug :)

What a lovely dress, and I do greatly appreciate the matching shoes being included! This is our prize from #15, Mishmash Fusion, and is called the All I Want Mini Dress along with a pair of The Killer Inside ENVY Slink high shoes, each with that great spiraling swirl. The belt is built into the dress, and those attached chains always catch my eye. You know I'll be wearing this quite a bit, especially with matching shoes making my SL days easier.

Wrapping things up tonight, we have a stunning ensemble from :Madness:, who are #9 in the hunt and have appropriately named this outfit Coveted. We have a bright emerald green shirt and skirt (one mesh piece though) with a tiny peekaboo effect at the tummy, matching shoes that took some finagling, and a lovely pendant that makes me feel oddly Slytherin ;) I am usually a Ravenclaw, even Pottermore had sorted me there, so this is a fun change of pace. The shoes defaulted to my right hand and I decided I preferred to wear them on my feet, hehe, so I reattached them to the correct feet and edited, rotated, shimmied, and wished I were at Hogwarts and able to perform magic, but as you can see I think they got where they belong.

Nail note of the night: same as last night, a lucky board prize from an event, by *pulcino* and named Critter. I was able to show you a few more than just their green color, as there are 10 lovely bright options on the Slink HUD. Same hair as yesterday as well, the marketplace bargain from Truth called Karlie that I am infatuated with and still need to eventually show you the sunnies that are an optional attachment :)

Hope your day/evening is a good one, and that your weekend had plenty of bright spots. Magical magpie hugs to all!!

All Prizes from the Sinner's Hunt - Envy:

Photo 1:

Dress: [VM] VERO MODERO / Wild Dress Snake  $0L Prize #16

Photo 2:

Dress: +Facepalm+ Envy  $0L Prize #28

Photo 3:

Dress: Bad Fox Designs ~ Envy Special Edition  $0L Prize #10

Photo 4:

Dress/Shoes: Mishmash Fusion All I want Mini Dress - ENVY  $0L Prize #15

Photo 5:

Outfit: :Madness: Coveted  $0L Prize #9

Nails: *pulcino*: Slink Applier [Critter]  $0L Lucky Board Prize

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Karlie - variety  $100L Marketplace sale
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Star GG JULY Tan CL
Lips: [:T:] Parted lips {free from TULI skins} Parted lips 1  $0L Marketplace
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Hunting in a Hurry

Hiya everyone! Somehow I didn't find out about a free hunt until a couple days before it ends, it isn't on the websites I usually check for this sort of thing and I actually stumbled across the sign in a participating store and was shocked. It is the Sinner's Hunt - Envy organized by The Sinister Goth, there are 33 stores and it says it ends November 31st but since there is no such date, heehee, I'm assuming the 30th and therefore it's time to HURRY!!! I've found so many goodies already, and am pleased to share a few tonight. You're looking for a skull who has turned bright green with envy it seems, and there are hints/locations on their blog. Lots of male prizes too, so bring your favorite guy, your malt, whoever enjoys free gifts!

The first delightful prize I am sharing is this Envy Corset and Skirt pairing from The Little Bat, a store I am particularly fond of for indulging my secret inner goth side in fun ways. They are #2 in this hunt path and their gift includes the corset and skirt each in standard mesh sizes, in this hunt's favorite colors of green and black. Love it!

This was an unusual gift, that is probably the result of a tiny error on the designer's part but can wind up working in our explain, this is the Envy Tank and Jeans from Moonlitecat Creations and starts out with the system layer top plus an Omega applier for it. The pants, well the alpha layer certainly seems to be for the style on the left with the bell bottoms, but of the mesh and fitmesh versions of the pants in various sizes, most are the capris seen on the right instead. This doesn't play well with the alpha layer obviously, but most of my thighs were poking out without it. I consider this to be a bonus of 2 pants styles in one adorable outfit, and I can easily find an alpha that suits the capri length pants.

Suddenly I felt like a Bond Girl (woman!) in this sexy catsuit from Puddly Creations, #17 in our hunt path. This prize includes the open zipped catsuit in standard mesh sizes, along with the lovely Mary Janes for Slink high. The name is ENVIE and I think this hot number will turn plenty of heads.

Our last look of the night is a fantastic outfit from Dark Water Designs, #24 in the hunt, and it is simply called Envy. It includes the corset, long skirt, and belt each in standard mesh sizes so you could leave off the belt if you prefer or even wear the top with a different bottom or vice versa. As for me, I am very fond of the belt and of the way the corset and skirt go together :) The little hints of leopard print in coordinated green are a wonderful touch.

Nail note of the night: I used an excellent lucky board prize from *pulcino* named Critter, which can be found at their setup at a gacha event type location with lots of bargains from many designers and some other lucky boards around as well. The Slink HUD features 10 very bright colors, each with a thin stripe down the center in either black or white, depending which contrasts the base color best I'd imagine. Naturally tonight I used the green and black the most, but I will show you more of these vibrant colors again soon. Oh and I also have a hair note of the night, as my faaaavorite Truth hair is taking part in a marketplace 12 Days of Savings and you can find 10 variety packs for $100L each, amazing bargain!! Click here to see all 10, or you could just visit their marketplace store and sort by price. 

I hope you're all having a nice relaxing weekend, or if you prefer a little adventure, a fun and playful one :) I am so eager for tomorrow and the chance to just kick back and catch up on some TV shows, my DVR is groaning and I still have leftovers to either eat or freeze. Well, have a good one, and magical magpie hugs to each and every one of you!!

All Prizes from the Sinner's Hunt - Envy:

Photo 1:

Outfit: The Little Bat !TLB - Envy Corset & Skirt  $0L Prize #2

Photo 2:

Outfit: Moonlitecat Creations Envy Tank & Jeans  $0L Prize #5

Photo 3:

Outfit: Puddly Creations ENVIE  $0L Prize #17

Photo 4:

Outfit: Dark Water Designs DWD Envy  $0L Prize #24

Nails: *pulcino*: Slink Applier [Critter]  $0L Lucky Board Prize

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Karlie - variety  $100L Marketplace sale
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Star GG JULY Tan CL
Lips: [:T:] Parted lips {free from TULI skins} Parted lips 1  $0L Marketplace
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

Group Goodies

Hiya everyone! Another busy day, another feast...I was fortunate enough to find another store with a group that's free to join and the benefits include a Midnight Mania board, 10 lucky boards, and group gifts as well. The store is called Nala Design, and you'll see the group joiner when you walk in the main store, then in the right section of the store you can find all the board and gifts. Not only do I have a sampling of those to share, but I have a $1L hunt gift from the Twisted Tale Hunt to share first.

This cheerful and sexy dress is by XTASYA and is called the Twisted Dot Dress, and is the dollarbie prize from the Twisted Tale Hunt found there in a red book. The hunt ends on the 30th so you will need to hurry, but you'll find hints and locations on their blog to help you decide which stores to visit. 

Over to Nala Design, where I was lucky enough to win this great prize from one of their lucky boards. It is called Zayed Maze, and once you've joined their group for free you too might win this generous gift of a mesh top and skinny pants, plus matching shoes for Slink high (check out the awesome key heels!) and even a pair of glowy earrings and a necklace with a key to match the shoes. Fantastic complete outfit, isn't it?

Perhaps like me (as evidenced by the blog name) you are a fan of Midnight Mania boards, then perhaps you will be fortunate enough to be one of 40 clickers to receive this outfit named Angel. It includes the mesh red & gold jumpsuit, the pretty gold bracelet which is actually a large pile of bangles in one piece, and let's not forget the purse and even the matching shoes for Slink high. Sometimes it's fun to spend time scrolling through your favorite accessories to find the perfect match, other times you just want to be able to dress quickly and easily to start your SL time right away. This store seems to be ideal for finding an entire ensemble in one folder :)

I did mention group gifts, and here they are! These fantastic dresses are both named Naima, and while they are similar they have distinct differences that make me glad to have both in my inventory. Naima Red on the left and in the center is a delight in crimson and gold. It comes with 2 pearl bracelets, the scarf I'm wearing in the left panel in 3 sizes, and gold sandals for Slink high. Naima Black is shaded in charcoal and silver, with a lovely subtle pattern on it. It comes with 3 different pearl bracelets, black shoes for Slink high, and instead of a scarf it includes a pearl necklace to match the bracelets. These are the two group gifts currently available in the store, and there is one for the SL F&O group as well. 

Nail note of the night: I visited Entice and won from their lucky boards a very cute set of manicures, the Living for Love Nails HUDs for Darks which come in Slink and Maitreya appliers. They offer 5 designs in various colors and subtle patterns to choose from, and no group is needed for their lucky boards. 

Wowie, I am really running late tonight! There is just one more busy day before I can actually relax and be lazy on Sunday, hehe, but I have enjoyed everything that has been keeping me occupied lately. I hope you all have a beautiful weekend, magical magpie hugs to each of you!!


Photo 1:

Dress: XTASYA .::X::. - Twisted Dot Dress (Twisted Tale Hunt gift)  $1L Hunt Prize

Photo 2:

Outfit: Nala Design ND *Zayed Maze*  $0L Lucky Board Prize (Free Group Needed)

Photo 3:

Outfit: Nala Design ND *Angels*  $0L Midnight Mania Prize (Free Group Needed)

Photo 4:
Dress Left/Center: Nala Design *ND* Naima Red  $0L Group Gift (Free to Join)
Dress Right: Nala Design *ND* Naima Black  $0L Group Gift (Free to Join)

Nails: Entice - Living for Love Nails HUDs for Darks (Maitreya/Slink)  $0L Lucky Board Prize

Hair: TRUTH Freya- gingers
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Star GG JULY Tan CL
Lips: [:T:] Parted lips {free from TULI skins} Parted lips 1  $0L Marketplace
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Hiya everyone! Greetings from someone who should be in a food coma right now ;) I had a wonderful Thanksgiving and if you celebrate I hope you enjoyed yours too. I visited a small sim hunt this morning that had just started, the Country Christmas Angel Hunt, and found some cute prizes to share with you tonight. You are looking for 15 little angels along a pathway and in the snow, and they look like they'd be ideal tree toppers. They're filled with a variety of clothing (including at least 2 for the guys) and a few prizes of holiday decor. Here are a few examples of what I found...

First we have the dress found in prize #2, called Ruffle Party Mesh in green. Usual mesh sizes are included, and I really like the color and subtle pattern.

This prize made me think of celebrating Christmas in a tropical paradise instead of the usual cold and possibly snowy holidays I usually enjoy in RL. This is prize #4, Red Ruffle Mesh Swimwear and also comes in several mesh sizes. The color is festive, but suitable for every season.

A bit more appropriate for the weather here lately, not that weather matters in SL of course, is this White Knit Dress from angel #13. The texture is very realistic, and the style would work well with leggings or jeans as a long sweater if you prefer.

My last look for the night is a very pretty strapless dress from prize #13, simply called Christmas dress. Standard mesh sizes are included, and the cheery color is appropriate for many different occasions, not just Christmas. I really like the gently draped chain and metal studs for added interest.

Nail note of the night: I am wearing another group gift from Livia, their September Slink HUD of frosted nails in several colors. There are others available at the store too, and the group is free to join. You know I can't resist a pretty manicure and especially the free ones :)

I am very grateful for the day I've had, my favorite family members and delicious food like smoked turkey and Italian wedding soup (mom's side of the family is Italian and we never knew it was even called Italian wedding soup until it became popular at local restaurants, hehe, but it's been one of many parts of our Thanksgiving for several decades) so a mixture of cultures and experiences show up in our meal. Lots to be thankful for and I don't take it for granted. Meanwhile the Christmas season is clearly showing up, ready or not, so I hope you are ready for lots of red and green! Magical magpie hugs to each of you!!

All Prizes from the Country Christmas Angel Hunt:

Photo 1:
Dress: Ruffle party mesh dress-GREEN  $0L Prize #2

Photo 2:
Swimsuit: Red Ruffle Mesh Swimwear  $0L Prize #4

Photo 3:
Dress: White Knit Dress  $0L Prize #13

Photo 4:

Dress: Christmas Dress  $0L Prize #11

Nails: LIVIA_Frosted Nails-Sept2015-GroupGift [Slink/Omega]  $0L Group Gift (Free to Join)

Hair: TRUTH Freya- gingers
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Star GG JULY Tan CL
Lips: [:T:] Parted lips {free from TULI skins} Parted lips 1  $0L Marketplace
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

GeMyles Mini Hunt and More

Hiya everyone! Tonight's post will lead you to one quick stop, no need to teleport all over the grid to find the treasures you'll see here when you may be having a very busy night already. I read a notice earlier from GeMyles that they are having a Thanksgiving hunt, and it didn't say for how long but I'd recommend hurrying over if you like what you see. The 4 hunt items (which include a $50L gift card) make up one terrific outfit, but with 23 lucky chairs in the back of the store I was able to show you a few other free treats as well.

From their landing spot, head straight across to the Thanksgiving display area and look for 4 little turkeys made of oreo cookies (there is a larger version out but not labeled as a display) and click then hit "deliver" on the blue menu that pops up. You will find the top, the pants, and the nails in 3 of the turkeys. The top is quite sheer and there are actually nipples (shadows of?) as part of the texture itself so wearing pasties beneath didn't disguise those, so I used my hands ;) Top and pants each come in a system layer but include an Omega applier, and the nails are on a Slink applier. Love the little turkey on the nails!

The main store is to the left from the landing area, once you walk ahead and leave the little building you land in, and head to the back to find those 23 lucky chairs I mentioned, 22 of which don't require a group tag but for the one that does, the group is free to join. I won this adorable mesh outfit there, the Love Tee and Mini Skirt, each part is in standard mesh sizes for a great fit.

Based on the name of this Hello Kitty Outfit, I expected to see the cute iconic cat as part of the design, but she is not hidden on there anywhere among the quirky colorful bubbles scattered on the top and pants. What you will find is that this charming outfit is a system layer with Maitreya and Omega appliers, and mesh pants in several sizes to suit as many of us as possible. 

Finally we have a very pretty mini dress that used to be a prize from a sliding puzzle, which is no longer there and many of us didn't win it while it was available (I am terrible at those) so now we get a chance to win it from a lucky chair instead :) Isobel is the name, and she comes in the usual mesh sizes. The colors are very flattering for a wide variety of skin shades, and the stripes are a fun touch.

I had to go out before I could finish this post to meet my holiday houseguest and do a tiny bit of late night grocery shopping, it's funny how even that can be fun with the right company :) Better late than never, and I wish all of my American readers a wonderful Thanksgiving! To the rest of you, I wish you a beautiful day and please know I am thankful for all of you. Magical magpie hugs!!

All Prizes from GeMyles Thanksgiving Hunt & Lucky Chairs:

Photo 1:
Top: GeMyles Sarifina Thanksgiving Hunt Top(OUTFIT)  $0L Hunt Prize
Pants: GeMyles Sarifina Thanksgiving Hunt Pants(OUTFIT)  $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 2:
Outfit: GeMyles Love Tee and Mini Skirt PP  $0L Lucky Chair Prize

Photo 3:
GeMyles Hello Kitty Outfit LC  $0L Lucky Chair Prize

Photo 4:

Dress: GeMyles Isobel Picture Puzzle Set  $0L Lucky Chair Prize

Nails: GeMyles Slink Thanksgiving Hunt Nails  $0L Hunt Prize

Hair: TRUTH Freya- gingers
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Star GG JULY Tan CL
Lips: [:T:] Parted lips {free from TULI skins} Parted lips 1  $0L Marketplace
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Get To Know Us Hunt

Hiya everyone! Somehow in the chaos recently, I'd overlooked a small hunt I meant to blog sooner, the Get To Know Us Hunt, which features free prizes in several locations hidden in tiny crates. The first stop in the hunt is a treasure trove, as two stores are in the same location, ViPs CrEaTiOnS and AmAzINg CrEaTiOnS, who each offer a gift for the men and ladies. I chose to focus on their prizes tonight, but their blog will show you hints at more of what can be found along the brief hunt path.

Let's start off with this great sweater dress from AmAzInNg CrEaTiOnS, whose name I keep copy/pasting and it's still coming out differently each time. By any name, this cozy looking dress says winter fun :) You will receive the dress in standard mesh sizes, plus those cute matching boots which are made for default avatar feet. More good news, this isn't even the only gift in their hunt prize!

The other prize from AmAzInNg CrEaTiOnS is a big one, lots of parts to this one...we receive the mesh dress, two pairs of boots, and dozens of stockings in various colors and patterns. There are also several color HUDs in there, and you can probably guess why from looking at the picture. The top, the straps on the sleeves, the boots and even their cuffs are each controlled by one of the HUDs (they aren't labeled though so it's hit or miss, finding the right match accidentally) but you can see they provide a mind-boggling amount of variety. Enjoy!

Head across the street to ViPs CrEaTiOnS, and you can find this lovely dress in both colors shown, and it even includes the striking jewelry shown. The necklace and earrings have a built in resizer, along with a very subtle bling which in fact I almost hesitate to call it that, not like the old fashioned kind of bling that lights up an entire room but simply a soft occasional sparkle. I think you can actually see it on the gem in the earring in my closeup, those tiny rays that showed up against my hair, and I'm thinking I see a couple rays on the lower gem of the necklace as well. 

Nail note of the night: I am wearing a group gift from Livia, one of at least 3 currently available when you join their group for free. This HUD is called Gold Foiled and is the November gift. I highly recommend heading over to see what else is available.

I am still uncertain what my blogging schedule will be like the next few days, as this time tomorrow my Thanksgiving company will have arrived and I'll be preparing for an all-day feast with the family. I hope you're all having a beautiful week so far, magical magpie hugs to everyone!!

All Prizes from the Get To Know Us Hunt:

Photo 1:

Dress: AmAzInNg CrEaTiOnS Roll Neck Dress 23  $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 2:

Dress: AmAzInNg-Mesh dress with Belt 2  $0L Hunt Prize

Photo 3:

Dresses: ViPs CrEaTiOnS Female Mesh Dress - (Backless) - Sweet Dots (Brown-Mauve) $0L Hunt Prize

Nails: LIVIA :: Gold Foiled :: Nov2015 Gift [Slink/Omega]  $0L Group Gift (Free to Join)

Hair: TRUTH Demelza- gingers
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Star GG JULY Tan CL
Lips: [:T:] Parted lips {free from TULI skins} Parted lips 1  $0L Marketplace
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

Monday, November 23, 2015

Group Gifts Galore

Hiya everyone! Whenever I visit a new store that I like, I do have a habit of peeking at their available group gifts to see if it might be worth a precious group slot ;) Sometimes I am lucky enough to find stores with multiple gifts out at once, and on truly fortuitous occasions I might find a jackpot! Santino Designs has a wall packed with 22 group gifts, a few of which are fatpacks, so I am pretty sure I heard bells and whistles, at least in my imagination :) Their group is free to join, so you should definitely check it out. I'll show you what amounts to just a small sampling of their many generous gifts...

First we have two similar gifts, hard to choose which one I prefer, but these are the Etui kleid leopard patterned dress and Etui kleid patterned blue dress. The style is certainly nice enough to utilize twice, with that fun ruffle at the hem. Standard mesh sizes in each for your needs.

Another great gift is their Belted Dress Fatpack, which comes in 5 lovely colors. I am showing the fuschia, blue, and camel, and the two not shown are purple and yellow. The belt color varies to match the dress color, and the long sleeves are terrific for the season. That delicate draped neckline would be a stunning backdrop for your favorite necklace.

This dress reminds me of a modern version of a famous Marilyn Monroe dress somehow, and I am loving the belt! This is their Tea Party Dress- Pink Patterned, and is absolutely gorgeous.

The pink on this dress is very similar to the shade above, but the style is vastly different yet somehow equally sexy. This is their Midi Dress in Blue and Pink, which comes in plenty of mesh size choices as all of their outfits. I adore the unique shape of the neckline, which along with the rest of the dress style really accentuates our curves.

One last glimpse, something I plan on wearing a lot next summer (and probably before then) is their lovely Summer Dress- Blue Flower Patterned with the beautiful attached belt and daring side slit. It's got a great rear view too, as you can see, with those tiny beads on the slender straps. 

Nail note of the night: Zalea is having a Secret Sale, 15 items for $10L, and the first one I picked up was their Floral French V-Tip Slink HUD. The sale items have a tiny sign saying "Secret" on them, and include shoes and hair along with the pretty manicures. It isn't quite free, but 18 colors for $10L is a fantastic bargain and they are just gorgeous in person!!

This week just continues to get busier and busier, so I'll hurry up and get to the credits now :) Magical magpie hugs to each and every one of you!

All Group Gifts from Santino Designs:

Photo 1:
Dress Left: Santino Design Etui kleid Leopard Patterned Black&white Dress  $0L Group Gift
Dress Right: Santino Design Etui kleid Patterned BLUE Dress  $0L Group Gift

Photo 2:
Dresses: Santino Design Belted dress FATPACK  $0L Group Gift

Photo 3:
Dress: Santino Design TeaParty_Dress_Pink Patterned  $0L Group Gift

Photo 4:
Dress: Santino Design-Midi Dress-Blue&Pink  $0L Group Gift

Photo 5:

Dress: Santino Design-Summer Dress-Blue Flower Patterned  $0L Group Gift

Nails: Zalea Nails - Slink - Floral V-French Tip  $10L Secret Sale

Hair: TRUTH Demelza- gingers
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Star GG JULY Tan CL
Lips: [:T:] Parted lips {free from TULI skins} Parted lips 1  $0L Marketplace
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Dollarbies and Luck

Hiya everyone! Our weekend is quickly coming to a close, but there is always something happening in SL that we can enjoy no matter what day it is. Tonight I am sharing two prizes from the $1L hunt called the Stuff The Bird Hunt, a Thanksgiving hunt where you are looking for a small group of turkey feathers (three of them) and while there are some prize previews on their site, they aren't all labeled and not all there. I saw a picture of one on their site that I still can't figure out which store has it hidden. Meanwhile I have a lucky chair prize and a group gift to share as well, so plenty to see.

First we have a very sexy dress from TRS Designs, this is their dollarbie gift from the Stuff The Bird Hunt. You'll find it in several mesh sizes so you can get a great fit, and I will admit that from most angles this is extra revealing if you catch my drift. I'm wondering if for modesty I have a lace tank top or bra that would look right underneath it.

For something considerably more casual, this incredibly fun one piece mesh outfit is the Stuff The Bird prize #29 from Mystic Dragon Designs. Just $1L and a bit of looking around will reward you with this Autumn Joy outfit, several sizes and the benefit of having to deal with a single mesh instead of trying to get 3 layers to play nicely together. The scattering of leaves on both jacket and jeans is a lovely touch.

Have I mentioned lately how much I love lucky chairs? Imagine if there were chairs like this in real life, if your initial was displayed you could sit down and be awarded a free beautiful dress like this...well until that is possible in RL, you can head to Jinx and be sure to have a lucky charm handy so you can catch your initial on one of their chairs. This beauty, Jinx (DD) Mia in Aqua Rose, is one of many prizes to be won. There is one chair in the main store, and 2 in the fantasy store which you can reach by teleporting through the pretty glowing arch portal. There is also a Midnight Mania board in each section so be sure to give those a good slap :)

I was so excited to head to Hello Dave for their weekly group gift, and couldn't resist sharing a glimpse with all of you tonight. The gorgeous manicure you see here is 6 different colors from the Winter Woods HUD that is gift #93 for the group, which in itself is mind boggling, and did you notice the delicate snow/frost look and the thin bare branch across each nail? The group gift is rather like a sampler of her new full size HUD with I believe 35 colors with the same gorgeous design, and both are compatible with Slink and Omega by the way which is good news for most of us :) 

I'm actually amazed to be getting this post ready at a reasonable time for once, hehe, since it's been iffy most nights lately. I do have a busy, family-filled week ahead with Thanksgiving and visitors and things to do in preparation, so there is a chance I'll either miss a post or just do a few shorter mini posts. All for good reasons and I'm looking forward to my week, and sure hope all of you are too :) We don't need a holiday to tell us to be thankful for the good things in our lives, so wherever you are you can make any day one of gratitude. With that, I leave you for the night with lots of magical magpie hugs to everyone!!


Photo 1:

Dress: TRS Designs Stuff The Bird Hunt Gift  $1L Hunt Prize #16

Photo 2:

Outfit: Mystic Dragon Designs Autumn Joy  $1L Hunt Prize #29

Photo 3:

Dress: Jinx (DD) Mia - Aqua Rose  $0L Lucky Chair Prize

Photo 4:

Nails: Hello Dave VIPs - Winter Woods  $0L Group Gift (Free to Join)

Hair: TRUTH Kalia- gingers
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Star GG JULY Tan CL
Lips: [:T:] Parted lips {free from TULI skins} Parted lips 1  $0L Marketplace
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High