Sunday, October 15, 2017

Which Sn@tch Witch Are You?

Hiya everyone! Tonight's post is a bit time sensitive, as there are just a few days left for this round of Fish 4 This at Sn@tch (until early Wednesday) called Which Witch. It consists of 23 pieces to fish up with your 7 Seas rod, which you can purchase there or anywhere you see the 7 Seas logo; it will work forever and universally. The Sn@tch custom fishing items change every other week, and when you complete this generous set you will have 7 mesh shirts in standard sizes, Slink Physique, Slink Hourglass, and a fitted mesh version, two skirts (long and short), a pretty collar with chains and a resize script built in, earrings, booties, hair in two sizes, tights in system layers and an Omega HUD, and even a beautiful makeup look in system layer and Omega applier. All you need to do is relax at the Sn@tch store and set your fishing rod to auto-cast, then you can browse the store, chat with friends, check out the lucky boards and riot vendors, and relax while the prizes roll in. They are transferable so you can swap with friends to complete your set faster, and I always have Xan's patient assistance in this endeavor ♥ . So now we dive into the deep end of my inventory and the Sn@tch fishing waters, LOL, to see what Which Witch has to offer.

We start with the charming Sn@tch Giselle Hair in Black, pulled gently off to one side and with a swoosh of long bangs. There are two sizes (regular and large) to be caught this round, and I am wearing the regular here. The top on the left is Sn@tch Which Witch Top in 4 Corners, and on the right I'm wearing the Which Witch Top in Baphomet. With both I am sporting the Sn@tch Which Witch Collar in White, with two chains draped between the points and a petite button in the center. Just give it a click to resize if you need to adjust it. My skirt is one of the two offered in this set, the Sn@tch Which Witch Skater Skirt in Black, which includes standard mesh sizes plus Belleza Freya, Isis, Venus, eBody, Maitreya, Slink Hourglass, Slink Physique, TMP, Tonic Curvy, and Tonic Fine. Plenty of sizes for just about any size or shape, in a classic color and short playful style.

I feel pretty, ohh so I have changed shirts, into the Sn@tch Which Witch Top in Floral. It has a brightly colored pattern but the flowers are small enough that it isn't overpowering, and the collar really suits this top. You can of course wear it without the collar if you prefer, part of the beauty of this set is the wide range of options and potential.

For this image, I get to show you two more versions of the top that you can catch, the Which Witch in Moon on the left, in Pentacles on the right. The purple is a great choice for the pentacle color, and the moons have some stars sprinkled among them which adds to the celestial flavor. I also added the Sn@tch Which Witch Earrings in Silver, as well as the Which Witch Booties that I hid my Slink feet for with their HUD. So many accessories to make your look complete, it is very worthwhile to catch as many parts as you can for the full effect. I left the collar off for the right side of the photo so you can see what these tops look like by themselves, a simple rounded neckline that looks just as attractive on its own as with the collar added.

Shirt change time again! This is the Skulls version of the Which Witch Top, same great sizes and a subtle pattern that I think works especially well with the tights I have added. That would be the Sn@tch Which Witch Tights in Black, here I have used the Omega applier but you can catch the system layers too if you need them. The tights have a floral vine type pattern embossed on them, and will look fantastic with any outfit you have the urge to enhance them with.

This is the Which Witch Top in Scrolls, whose pattern reminds me of a very intricate skull because of how it falls on the shirt, probably intentional on Ivey's part :) I have paired it with the other skirt from this fishing set, the Sn@tch Adora Crepe Skirt in Black, which includes sizes for Belleza Freya, Isis, Venus, eBody, Maitreya, Slink Hourglass, Slink Physique, and a fitmesh version for classic avatars. This long flowing style is perfectly textured and will look stunning no matter which top you choose to wear with it. I also added the Sn@tch Which Witch Makeup here, via the Omega applier, and there is a system layer in the set for classic heads. I decided that you needed a better look at it, so have a peek below...

There, that's better :) Now you can see the details of this makeup better, from the crisp wings of eyeliner to the trio of dots (tears?) beneath each eye. Another feature of the makeup that I cannot resist pointing out is the rich gleam of gloss atop the deep burgundy lips, giving them such a lucious look. Another reason for this closeup is so you can appreciate the detail of the earrings with their pentacles stamped on them, and the chain closure of the collar is worth a closer glimpse too. While ideal for Halloween, this look is too pretty to hide in our inventories for the rest of the year and I do plan on appreciating it during other times of the year. 

Whew, this has been a busy day for me! I am hoping to get some rest tomorrow to make up for the lack of it today, even though I know technically it doesn't work that way. It may be a placebo effect, but I'll take it. I hope you are all having a terrific weekend, magical magpie hugs to everyone!!

All Fishing Prizes from Sn@tch:

Photo 1:
Hair: Sn@tch Giselle Hair (Black) $0L Fishing Prize
Top Left: Sn@tch Which Witch Top (4 Corners) $0L Fishing Prize
Top Right: Sn@tch Which Witch Top (Baphomet) $0L Fishing Prize
Collar: Sn@tch Which Witch Collar (WHITE) $0L Fishing Prize
Skirt: Sn@tch Which Witch Skater Skirt (Black) $0L Fishing Prize

Photo 2:
Top: Sn@tch Which Witch Top (Floral) $0L Fishing Prize

Photo 3:
Top Left: Sn@tch Which Witch Top (Moon) $0L Fishing Prize
Top Right: Sn@tch Which Witch Top (Pentacles) $0L Fishing Prize
Earrings: Sn@tch Which Witch Earrings (Silver) $0L Fishing Prize
Boots: Sn@tch Which Witch Booties $0L Fishing Prize

Photo 4:
Top: Sn@tch Which Witch Top (Skulls) $0L Fishing Prize
Tights: Sn@tch Which Witch Tights (Black) $0L Fishing Prize

Photo 5:
Top: Sn@tch Which Witch Top (Scrolls) $0L Fishing Prize
Skirt: Sn@tch Adora Crepe Skirt (Black) $0L Fishing Prize
Makeup: Sn@tch Which Witch Makeup $0L Fishing Prize

Head: [GA.EG] Barbara Bento Mesh Head
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - KELLY marshmellow (Omega head/body)
Eyes: * Inkheart * - Seth Eyes - Cinnamon
Ring: (BENTO)~~Ysoral ~~ .:Luxe Ring Lyanna 4:. (Marketplace)
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body
Nails: Slink Utilities HUD
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female-Casual (UPDATED 3/8/2017 to Dynamic/Bento)
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Deluxe Pack
All Poses: Verocity (various sets)

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